Monday, August 15, 2016

World of Warcraft: What were they beta testing?

Hello everyone.
I'm back with my rants that nobody reads. Currently on the menu is World of Warcraft: Legion.
While the game isn't out yet, the pre-patch totally is, and even those who only posess the starter edition can check up most of the changes.
I decided to make fresh characters to see what new players, returning players looking for a fresh start and current players creating an alt would see. Considering it is not possible to change your class, yet most of the story is told in the class order halls, everyone needs one of each class to get the whole picture. So leveling is pretty awesome, right? It has to be. Right? Riiiight?!

Nope. It's actually terrible. Quests tell you to talk to NPCs that don't exist, animations loop, the worgen starting area was unfinishable untill a hotfix came along, class trainers had their last quests taken away from them and now literally serve no function whatsoever.

And then there is the combat. Or should I say "combat". I've heared complaints that FFXIV has a boring combat because the global cooldown is too long. Well that may be true, but at least you can do stuff when the cooldown ends. For your first 10 levels, hunter literally has only one ability that you press over and over again. The rogue specs all play the same, with only flavor text and animation differences (even though one is a supposed to be an in your face pirate and the other a stealthy ninja), affliction warlock only has dots and channeled spells, so you spend most of the combat waiting, and monk simply feels weak. In WoD on the same level with the same gear I kicked a lot more ass.

In fact I had so little enjoyment that i uninstalled wow without even trying all the classes. I just couldn't bring myself to look at the others. the 1-20 leveling experience in Legion is the very antithesis of fun. This is not going to save a game that has been behind on recent trends for years. The achievement system was the last time WoW did something and the rest of the MMOs followed. Now, the other MMOs do something neat, and WoW doesn't follow.

I'm not gonna say WoW will die because people have been saying it for years and it never happened. But it should. It's not an RPG, it's not fun and it's failing standards instead of setting them. I really hope Legion ends up being the last WoW expansion, and after that we get a WoW 2. One with dynamic events, housing, inventive class mechanics, multiple ways to level, and a story that flows organicly instead of confusin the hell out of new players.