Sunday, November 8, 2015

BlizzCon - part 1

Well looks like I have an obligation to eat some crow now. Blizzard gave us lots of things to talk about that aren't related to Diablo III.
Moreover, we didn't get an expansion reveal. Granted, patch 2.4 will still arrive with a massive ammount of stuff.
Sadly none of them are Xiansai or Alien related. Unless of course Leoric is hiding a small green guy in his manor.
One new zone, two new areas, new rift types, set dungeons, UI reworks and so much more. This patch might be big enough to be called a patch by Square Enix.

Speaking of Diablo III it looks likeWorld of Warcraft is looking at D3 for ideas. If nothing gets cut along the way, a common fear of WoW players, Legion will include Diablo's random world drop legendaries, transmog log, bounties and even nephalem rifts. Sort of. Diablo III is a bit of a black sheep now as it is the only recent Blizzard game that can't really work as an e-sport, but it may have found a new calling as the R&D division for World of Warcraft.

Wether all of this will be enough to save WoW is a different matter. It largely depends on the number of announced features making it into the game. So far I personally am very impressed. The number of unfamiliar artifacts could use an adjustment. The most recent census revealed that warrior is the most played class. Despite this, all three of the artifacts are new additions to the lore. Gorehowl would have been a natural choice, Speaking of orcish weapons, there is a slight problem with the Doomhammer as well.
For reasons unkown Thrall will give enhancement shamans (shamen?) the Doomhammer. Of course cement shamans dual wield they will use a magically created Doomhammer replica in the off hand.
But why? Alternate Universe Draenor has another Doomhammer. And since Orgrim Doomhammer is dead he won't be needing it anymore. Why not dual wield two actual doomhammers? Too epic? No such thing as too epic.

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