Friday, July 1, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon - Freaky Friday

Don't wanna grow up
I wanna get out
Hey, take me away
I wanna shout out
Take me, away away awaaaaay

Of course it would be more appropriate to sing:

Don't wanna grow up
I wanna be
the very best

Or something like that.

Aaaanyroad the friday info dump is out. It's mostly what was leaked yesterday just in english. Unfortunately Lillie's lines dialogue is not included. It was something about the guardian god helping us(the player).

When I did my speculation entry my number one guess was the official reveal of Nekkoara and Iwanko. Guess what guys, It happened. The US site is a bit behind on info, but the UK site for Sun and Moon has entries for every Gen VII pokemon and Zygarde forme. Nekkoara and Iwanko are Komala and Rockruff respectively.

As for Hala, we didn't get much. Poor guy still doesn't have a website entry. Still with him having a yellow coat and the equally yellow Tapu Koko appearing next to him, some even go as far as claim that Tapu Koko is Hala's pokemon. That's obviously bollocks, but there might be a connection between the two and the assumption that Hala is an electric trainer might be correct.

We got official confirmation that the first island is called Melemele (hawaiian for yellow. Makes sense if you look at its guardian).

Nothing on points 4 and 5 but 7 new pokemon certainly qualifies as a whole bunch. And if we add Komala and Rockruff that's 9 new pokemon. Or at least newly acknowledged.

And then we have Tapu Koko. My last blog entry was mostly about him (it?) so I won't talk long, but he was and is probably the star of this reveal. The biggest mistery of the E3 gameplay footage has been more or less solved. Tapu Koko is an electric fairy type legendary pokemon with an amazing design and a perfect name for a Lalafel if you want to (re)start playing Final Fantasy XIV. In fact if I finally start earning some money and resume playing I am totally making a character called Tapu Koko. Of course it might be smarter to wait for the next expansion. And perhaps the other 3 guardians.

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