Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Sage advice

 This is a long overdue blog post that was delayed both by thesis writing, and all the playing around I did. All to gather stuff to write blog posts about. 5.5 dropped on the liver servers, 9.1 the prodigal patch FINALLY appeared on the WoW PTR and of course there was a new class released for Black Desert Online.

It is a funny one too. Remember how Endwalker will introduce a classy caster who wields floating metal tingies, called Sage? Well BDO released a classy casters who wields floating metal tingies, called Sage. That's right. Of course the BDO Sage is pure DPS and is a tad more ancient than the futuristic looking Sage from Sharlayan. The default character looks a lot like King Leonidas from 300. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. An older, traditionally masculine character in a korean MMO happens like, every third blue moon.

Inspired by the dude being an ancient mage, I tried to make my best Emet-Selch impression. And proceeded to.....have a lot of fun actually.

Now I have to say that I don't actually like BDO that much. The interface is a disaster, everything reminds you that there is an in-game cash shop that you SHOULD use and they don't really give you any reason to care about the story, or any of the characters you meet. Supposedly professions are fun and you can build your own trade routes and shit. But my GOD is it tiresome. I do believe it is a great game who like this sort of experience. You can ignore the plot and just enjoy the action combat, the character creator is very detailed and the visuals are great from a technical standpoint. But the game isn't really for me.

However. I did try six classes, and Sage was definitely ammong the ones that are fun to play. Kinda works a lot like Doctor Strange. Lots of portal, energy patterns and sexy explosions. It wasn't stupidly overpowered, but it was strong, and the spell effects were a sight to behold.

So if you like open world action combat monster yeeting and can't wait for Endwalker to roll a Sage, this might be a good way to pass the time. Those who like BDO will definitely enjoy playing the Sage. Later it can be awakaned to be a Dragoon.

(My favorite was the Hashashin by the by.)

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