Monday, December 7, 2015

Final Fantasy VII - Episodes


I'm back again. Looks information began to flow regarding the Final Fantasy VII remake and it is not enough for one blog entry.

After the controversy of the not entirely turn based combat (which looks awesome by the way) we got another hype killer. As it turns out, the Remake will be released in multiple parts.

Now this idea has its merits, but I really don't like it.
First, let's look at its merits:

It will enable a bigger game.

  • FF VII is already cut into several chapters. It's the parts where you change disks.
  • It will enable a really large game as there will be time to do everything properly without cutting stuff out AND even include additional stuff.
Okay, now why it is stupid:

  • No matter how good the remake is, one third of the remake won't be as good as the entire original was way back.
  • It will inevitably be overpriced.
  • It could mean that we won't have the same freedom to go anywhere we  want and do anything we want as we did in the original. ALL episodic games are linear. Even those that incorporate player choice.

I sort of understand the rationale of Nomura, but this is a  dangerous move. One wrong step and it can sink the remake and alienate a huge chunk of the fanbase. No pressure.

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