Saturday, December 5, 2015

Final Fantasy VII - Remake update

Hello boys and girls. Sorry for not writing for such a long long time but I have been busy completing my thesis and hyping over the release of The Force Awakens, which draws closer and closer.

But now I am back with a vengeance as we finally got a gameplay trailer for the Final Fantasy VII remake!!!!!

Behold it in all its glory:

A few points:

  • I was right of course about the new angles we can see the city from. This is not a simple engine update. Gaia is being rebuilt.
  • Totally unsurprisingly we are going to get actual cutscenes instead of speech bubbles we click through.
  • Barret has a pretty cool sunglasses.
  • Jesse, Biggs and Wedge all speak. In english no less.
  • The combat system went to full action. Yuffie will need to do something about her combat style.
  • We can totally switch between active party members. Hallelujah.
  • Cloud jumps off the top of the train. Good.

And you know what the best part is? Beside Barret's sunglasses I anticipated every single one of these changes. On second thought, Barret's sunglasses might be an acessory or a dlc costume.
I love being right. And I love Final Fantasy even more.

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