EDIT: It turns out I am stupid and the whole post is visible all the time. So just make sure you scroll down very quickly to the next post.
Sooo here is everything that I didn't include in the No Spoiler Review, for obvious reasons.
Only read this if you have seen the movie or really don't care about spoilers.
I will be discussing my fealings regarding all the important plot points, so stay away if you have yet to see The Force Awakens.
I will try to make my introduction as long as possible to make sure no spoiler will is visible on the front page, but no promises.
Of course this is a good time to talk about spoilers in general.
I think this whole spoiler hysteria went out of hand. I mean look at Final Fantasy VII. The original that came out in 1997. That was 18 years ago. It can now buy alcohol, drive a car and have sex.
It's plot is generally common knowledge. We all know that Aerith dies, Cloud has fake memories, or that Sephiroth was dead all along. I knew all of these and more when I had my first playthrough. And guess what. I loved every minute of it. Well written moments work just as well if you know they are comming. *cough* I am your father *cough*. Plus it is not the same to read: Snape kills Dumbledore in an internet forum as reading or watching that scene in the context of the whole story. If a huge blockbuster in 2015 can't affect its audience as well as a nearly two decades old console game it has failed miserably.
With that out of the way let's look at the movie!
You ready?
Your sure?
Okay. So TFA was awesome. There is no point denying that unless you are obejctively wrong.
Sure there are a few details we can nitpick about - and I totally will - but none these minor things are worse than the plotholes of the Original Trilogy, or Back to the Future II or The Matrix. Or Terminator 2 for that matter. And Jurassic Park.
So yeah, you get the idea. Yet we ignored all of those cause everything else worked. So we shall give The Force Awakens a free pass as well.
Most of the legitimate complaints against TFA can be traced back to two issues.
1. It was predictable. Very predictable. The guy who looks a lot like a young Harrison Ford, plays Han Solo's son. The tech savvy orphan living on a desert planet turns out to be Force sensitive. She's also a very good pilot.
Oh, quick question: If a good guy wants to redeem the villain while standing on a long bridge above a bottomless pit, what will happen?
If you answered: The good guy dies, you win.
And come on. Everyone figured out R2 has the missing map piece as soon as 3PO mentioned that it is impossible.
2. Very little new stuff was in it. Of course when I say new stuff I mean stuff that didn't pay homage to the OT. Granted I loved all those moments, but appart from the Knights of Ren and their 2-3 seconds of screen time, everything had at least a little bit of: "I have seen this before" flavor.
Of course it is understandable why the movie was playing it safe.
If we don't count the special editions, we have gone for 30 years without a star wars movie that wasn't utter garbage. We have also gone for 10 years without any kind of star wars movie. The last time Lucasfilm revived an old IP, it turned out to be a disaster. The last time JJ revived a sci fi frachise, he didn't quite grasp the essence of it, And quite a few people doubted that Disney is the right company to produce new star wars movies.
Considering all this it was probably a smart move by the people involved to create a movie that is essentially a soft reboot that mixes Episode IV and V and leave the experimentation to Episode VIII and IX. Now that the new team has our trust they can steer the story in all sorts of interesting directions.
Han's death and the Luke reveal also passed the FFVII test. It wasn't as shocking the first time because of its predictability, but at least the second viewing didn't take away the effect.
Another thing worth mentioning is the ammount of world building the movie and the visual dictionary does. We got a nice glimpse at what people eat on Jakku and at the entertainment in Maz's bar. We also got several new organizations, planets and events. Rakata Prime is back in canon and the VD also mentions the Scourge of Malachor. I have a feeling SWTOR will soon be completely decanonized by a Kotor remake. Whatever happens, the Lore Vampire is happy with the new details it can chew on.
Lots of talk about video games and sometimes movies. Not always just about lore. Geek Gazette was already taken.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
The Force Awakens - No Spoiler Review
Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting for so long, but I have been preoccupied with lots of stuff, including my thesis, a wierd illness I can't seem to shake off and of course Christmas.
That reminds me: Merry Christmas to you all! Yeah I know that technically Christmas is over, but we still have tonns of leftover food from the hollidays, so it isn't really over yet.
Speaking of food, I had my second serving of The Force Awakens today.
While all the spoilers are pretty much common knowledge now I'm still going to write a spoiler free review on the off chance that some of you dear readers still haven't seen the movie. Like my oldest cousin.
Short answer: I really enjoyed it. Most importantly: I enjoyed it the second time as well. More than a full week of hindsight didn't bring to light horrible plot holes and contradictions. At least not ones I noticed.
John Williams' score was a bit subdued this time, with no score piece standing out. However JW is a few decades older than even Nobuo Uematsu, so he kinda earned the right to not top himself every time. Plus, if the John Williams score is the least spectacular part of the movie, you know you are doing something right.
When discussing TFA we can't look over the acting. The movie has a huuge cast with returning classic actors, promising newcommers and illustrious cameos. And they all do their jobs really well. After the wax museum of the prequels were everyone beside Ian McDiarmid and the late Sir Christopher Lee acted like a tranquilized Pierce Brosnan it was really great to see genuine emotions on every face. Even Chewbacca was more expressive than usual. John Boyega, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver in particular stood out.
TL;DR: For the second time JJ Abrams managed to revitalize a sci-fi franchise that has seen better days. Can we please give him the Mass Effect movie? Pretty please?
That reminds me: Merry Christmas to you all! Yeah I know that technically Christmas is over, but we still have tonns of leftover food from the hollidays, so it isn't really over yet.
Speaking of food, I had my second serving of The Force Awakens today.
While all the spoilers are pretty much common knowledge now I'm still going to write a spoiler free review on the off chance that some of you dear readers still haven't seen the movie. Like my oldest cousin.
Short answer: I really enjoyed it. Most importantly: I enjoyed it the second time as well. More than a full week of hindsight didn't bring to light horrible plot holes and contradictions. At least not ones I noticed.
John Williams' score was a bit subdued this time, with no score piece standing out. However JW is a few decades older than even Nobuo Uematsu, so he kinda earned the right to not top himself every time. Plus, if the John Williams score is the least spectacular part of the movie, you know you are doing something right.
When discussing TFA we can't look over the acting. The movie has a huuge cast with returning classic actors, promising newcommers and illustrious cameos. And they all do their jobs really well. After the wax museum of the prequels were everyone beside Ian McDiarmid and the late Sir Christopher Lee acted like a tranquilized Pierce Brosnan it was really great to see genuine emotions on every face. Even Chewbacca was more expressive than usual. John Boyega, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver in particular stood out.
TL;DR: For the second time JJ Abrams managed to revitalize a sci-fi franchise that has seen better days. Can we please give him the Mass Effect movie? Pretty please?
Monday, December 7, 2015
Final Fantasy VII - Episodes
I'm back again. Looks information began to flow regarding the Final Fantasy VII remake and it is not enough for one blog entry.
After the controversy of the not entirely turn based combat (which looks awesome by the way) we got another hype killer. As it turns out, the Remake will be released in multiple parts.
Now this idea has its merits, but I really don't like it.
First, let's look at its merits:
It will enable a bigger game.
I'm back again. Looks information began to flow regarding the Final Fantasy VII remake and it is not enough for one blog entry.
After the controversy of the not entirely turn based combat (which looks awesome by the way) we got another hype killer. As it turns out, the Remake will be released in multiple parts.
Now this idea has its merits, but I really don't like it.
First, let's look at its merits:
It will enable a bigger game.
- FF VII is already cut into several chapters. It's the parts where you change disks.
- It will enable a really large game as there will be time to do everything properly without cutting stuff out AND even include additional stuff.
Okay, now why it is stupid:
- No matter how good the remake is, one third of the remake won't be as good as the entire original was way back.
- It will inevitably be overpriced.
- It could mean that we won't have the same freedom to go anywhere we want and do anything we want as we did in the original. ALL episodic games are linear. Even those that incorporate player choice.
I sort of understand the rationale of Nomura, but this is a dangerous move. One wrong step and it can sink the remake and alienate a huge chunk of the fanbase. No pressure.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Final Fantasy VII - Remake update
Hello boys and girls. Sorry for not writing for such a long long time but I have been busy completing my thesis and hyping over the release of The Force Awakens, which draws closer and closer.
But now I am back with a vengeance as we finally got a gameplay trailer for the Final Fantasy VII remake!!!!!
Behold it in all its glory:
A few points:
And you know what the best part is? Beside Barret's sunglasses I anticipated every single one of these changes. On second thought, Barret's sunglasses might be an acessory or a dlc costume.
I love being right. And I love Final Fantasy even more.
But now I am back with a vengeance as we finally got a gameplay trailer for the Final Fantasy VII remake!!!!!
Behold it in all its glory:
A few points:
- I was right of course about the new angles we can see the city from. This is not a simple engine update. Gaia is being rebuilt.
- Totally unsurprisingly we are going to get actual cutscenes instead of speech bubbles we click through.
- Barret has a pretty cool sunglasses.
- Jesse, Biggs and Wedge all speak. In english no less.
- The combat system went to full action. Yuffie will need to do something about her combat style.
- We can totally switch between active party members. Hallelujah.
- Cloud jumps off the top of the train. Good.
And you know what the best part is? Beside Barret's sunglasses I anticipated every single one of these changes. On second thought, Barret's sunglasses might be an acessory or a dlc costume.
I love being right. And I love Final Fantasy even more.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake - No(buo) Uematsu
Hello everyone. Sorry for being silent for so long but several projects needed attending to and I didn't exactly had time to talk. But I can't let it pass that one of my predictions for the highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII remake already came to pass.
Remember when I mentioned that Uematsu might not be willing to work on the remake on account of being a tired old man?
Well as it turns out I was right. In a recent interview he flat out said that he has absolutely nothing to do with the remake.
This might sound scary for some as the maestro is truly one of a kind, but I already gave a few examples of possible replacements.
You know what would be nice? If you, dear reader(s) could post a comment of who you want to replace Uematsu as the new composer.
Thanks in advance.
Love you all.
Remember when I mentioned that Uematsu might not be willing to work on the remake on account of being a tired old man?
Well as it turns out I was right. In a recent interview he flat out said that he has absolutely nothing to do with the remake.
This might sound scary for some as the maestro is truly one of a kind, but I already gave a few examples of possible replacements.
You know what would be nice? If you, dear reader(s) could post a comment of who you want to replace Uematsu as the new composer.
Thanks in advance.
Love you all.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Paris and the attack against democracy
Good evening everyone. This time I will be talking about real life lore.
As you all know last night, on friday the 13th, Paris fell victim to a series of coordinated terrorist attacks. The results are horrifying to say the least.
All our thoughts are with the people of France and we all try to do our best to support them during these tragic times.
However we must not forget who was reponsible and what is at stake here.
ISIS already took full repsonsibility for the attacks. It wasn't the refugees fleeing from Syria who did it. It was the ones the refugees were fleeing from.
Likewise it wasn't an attack by muslims. It was an attack by terrorists, who happened to be muslims.
Barack Obama said that this was an attack against democracy itself.
If that is true the responce must be democracy as well. If we respond with hate, segregation and religious intolerance we play into the hands of the attackers.
If we begin to hunt every muslim as if they were all terrorists we won't be better than those we claim to fight against. And the inevitable chaos it would turn into is their ally. Not ours.
Despite what stereotypes would have us believe the French are pretty strong and tend to keep fighting even when the odds are stacked against them. Fight for your values, people of France! Our eyes are on all of you to look at your example and to support your fight in every way we can.
All our thoughts are with the people of France and we all try to do our best to support them during these tragic times.
However we must not forget who was reponsible and what is at stake here.
ISIS already took full repsonsibility for the attacks. It wasn't the refugees fleeing from Syria who did it. It was the ones the refugees were fleeing from.
Likewise it wasn't an attack by muslims. It was an attack by terrorists, who happened to be muslims.
Barack Obama said that this was an attack against democracy itself.
If that is true the responce must be democracy as well. If we respond with hate, segregation and religious intolerance we play into the hands of the attackers.
If we begin to hunt every muslim as if they were all terrorists we won't be better than those we claim to fight against. And the inevitable chaos it would turn into is their ally. Not ours.
Despite what stereotypes would have us believe the French are pretty strong and tend to keep fighting even when the odds are stacked against them. Fight for your values, people of France! Our eyes are on all of you to look at your example and to support your fight in every way we can.
Monday, November 9, 2015
BlizzCon - part 2
So we already covered World of Warcraft and Diablo III. But BlizzCon had so much more to offer. And this is when the real vrow eating has to begin on my part.
For starters StarCraft II didn't end, The main campaign might be over with Legacy of the Void but the story will continue with character focused DLC campaigns. The first of these is Nova covert ops,
which is basically StarCraft: Ghost with a different camera angle. We happy, Vincent?
Heroes of the Storm meanwhile got a new map, a new game mode aaaand four new heroes. A Driad, Genn Greymane king of werewolves and everyones favorite doomsday cultist and team rocket fan: Cho'Gall. Funny thing about Cho'Gall is that he will be controlled by two players. It will either be loads of fun or a complete disaster.
And the fourth hero? Tracer. The cheerful time traveling girl from Overwatch whose backside reached memetic status impressively quickly even by time traveler standards.
And it is at this point that I would like to mention another thing that Blizzard is a master of along with ways to make a fortune out of free to play games. And that is cross promotion. Before we discuss anything else regarding Overwatch's reveals, and there was quite a lot revealed for a game already in a beta phase, we should talk about Overwatch Origins edition. As it turns out Overwatch won't be free to play. Honestly this surprised me, but that is beside the point now. There will be a normal version and a slightly more expensive Origins edition. This version will come with a few exclusive character skins that give us a glimpse of a select few soldier's origins, hence the name. But that is not all. The pack will also contain in game goodies for every other Blizzard game. Yes, every single one. Well every current one. HotS will get Tracer, StarCraft II will get portraits, Diablo III will get cosmetic wings, WoW players will get a pet, aaand Hearthstone will get a new cardback. More on Hearthstone later.
Going back to Overwatch: we got three new heroes. Wohooo. Two of them are girls. Double yaay. The two girls are chinese and korean while the one guy is japanese. Triple yaaaay. Oh yes, they are a geologist, a professional StarCraft player riding a mecha and a robot ninja respectively. Crazy awesome doesn't even begin to describe it. Oh, we also got a new map for good measure.
And there is Hearthstone. Remember how I said that it received a new expansion not long ago so there is no chance something comes here. Well, dang. Not only will we get a new expansion this week, but it will be the biggest one yet. So far we either got new adventure modes with a few new cards, or new card packs with one or two new mechanics introduced. League of Explorers will combine the two. Unfortunately I am two wings behind on Blackrock Mountain. The massive RNG factor is a big turnoff so I am always short on gold. Oh well, the Realm Reborn servers are down for pre-patch maintenance.
Last but not least there is the movie. Warcraft: The Beginning. I don't want to be a spoilsport, but the movie doesn't do it for me yet. Sure it looks good, but I don't know how well the retcons will fit. In this version Anduin Lothat hooks up with Garona and joins forces with Durotan, Draka, and maybe Orgim Doomhammer against the evil Gul'dan and Medivh to settle the war peacefully and grant the orcs their permanent land on Azeroth.
The canon ending is this: Khadgar is cursed, Garona kills King Llane, Stomwind is burned to the ground with only Lothar and young Varian making it out alive, Gul'dan survives but falls into coma when Medivh dies, Durotan and Draka dies, Orgim kills Blackhand for being a week minded puppet of Gul'dan, assumes leadership of the Horde and continues his conquest to kill all humans and conquer everything.
So either the end will involve lots and lots of crying or the movie will completely change the established canon at the risk of not being able to adapt Warcraft II, III and everything that follows.
All in all it was a pretty good BlizzCon. In fact it was probably one of the best,
For starters StarCraft II didn't end, The main campaign might be over with Legacy of the Void but the story will continue with character focused DLC campaigns. The first of these is Nova covert ops,
which is basically StarCraft: Ghost with a different camera angle. We happy, Vincent?
Heroes of the Storm meanwhile got a new map, a new game mode aaaand four new heroes. A Driad, Genn Greymane king of werewolves and everyones favorite doomsday cultist and team rocket fan: Cho'Gall. Funny thing about Cho'Gall is that he will be controlled by two players. It will either be loads of fun or a complete disaster.
And the fourth hero? Tracer. The cheerful time traveling girl from Overwatch whose backside reached memetic status impressively quickly even by time traveler standards.
And it is at this point that I would like to mention another thing that Blizzard is a master of along with ways to make a fortune out of free to play games. And that is cross promotion. Before we discuss anything else regarding Overwatch's reveals, and there was quite a lot revealed for a game already in a beta phase, we should talk about Overwatch Origins edition. As it turns out Overwatch won't be free to play. Honestly this surprised me, but that is beside the point now. There will be a normal version and a slightly more expensive Origins edition. This version will come with a few exclusive character skins that give us a glimpse of a select few soldier's origins, hence the name. But that is not all. The pack will also contain in game goodies for every other Blizzard game. Yes, every single one. Well every current one. HotS will get Tracer, StarCraft II will get portraits, Diablo III will get cosmetic wings, WoW players will get a pet, aaand Hearthstone will get a new cardback. More on Hearthstone later.
Going back to Overwatch: we got three new heroes. Wohooo. Two of them are girls. Double yaay. The two girls are chinese and korean while the one guy is japanese. Triple yaaaay. Oh yes, they are a geologist, a professional StarCraft player riding a mecha and a robot ninja respectively. Crazy awesome doesn't even begin to describe it. Oh, we also got a new map for good measure.
And there is Hearthstone. Remember how I said that it received a new expansion not long ago so there is no chance something comes here. Well, dang. Not only will we get a new expansion this week, but it will be the biggest one yet. So far we either got new adventure modes with a few new cards, or new card packs with one or two new mechanics introduced. League of Explorers will combine the two. Unfortunately I am two wings behind on Blackrock Mountain. The massive RNG factor is a big turnoff so I am always short on gold. Oh well, the Realm Reborn servers are down for pre-patch maintenance.
Last but not least there is the movie. Warcraft: The Beginning. I don't want to be a spoilsport, but the movie doesn't do it for me yet. Sure it looks good, but I don't know how well the retcons will fit. In this version Anduin Lothat hooks up with Garona and joins forces with Durotan, Draka, and maybe Orgim Doomhammer against the evil Gul'dan and Medivh to settle the war peacefully and grant the orcs their permanent land on Azeroth.
The canon ending is this: Khadgar is cursed, Garona kills King Llane, Stomwind is burned to the ground with only Lothar and young Varian making it out alive, Gul'dan survives but falls into coma when Medivh dies, Durotan and Draka dies, Orgim kills Blackhand for being a week minded puppet of Gul'dan, assumes leadership of the Horde and continues his conquest to kill all humans and conquer everything.
So either the end will involve lots and lots of crying or the movie will completely change the established canon at the risk of not being able to adapt Warcraft II, III and everything that follows.
All in all it was a pretty good BlizzCon. In fact it was probably one of the best,
Sunday, November 8, 2015
BlizzCon - part 1
Well looks like I have an obligation to eat some crow now. Blizzard gave us lots of things to talk about that aren't related to Diablo III.
Moreover, we didn't get an expansion reveal. Granted, patch 2.4 will still arrive with a massive ammount of stuff.
Sadly none of them are Xiansai or Alien related. Unless of course Leoric is hiding a small green guy in his manor.
One new zone, two new areas, new rift types, set dungeons, UI reworks and so much more. This patch might be big enough to be called a patch by Square Enix.
Speaking of Diablo III it looks likeWorld of Warcraft is looking at D3 for ideas. If nothing gets cut along the way, a common fear of WoW players, Legion will include Diablo's random world drop legendaries, transmog log, bounties and even nephalem rifts. Sort of. Diablo III is a bit of a black sheep now as it is the only recent Blizzard game that can't really work as an e-sport, but it may have found a new calling as the R&D division for World of Warcraft.
Wether all of this will be enough to save WoW is a different matter. It largely depends on the number of announced features making it into the game. So far I personally am very impressed. The number of unfamiliar artifacts could use an adjustment. The most recent census revealed that warrior is the most played class. Despite this, all three of the artifacts are new additions to the lore. Gorehowl would have been a natural choice, Speaking of orcish weapons, there is a slight problem with the Doomhammer as well.
For reasons unkown Thrall will give enhancement shamans (shamen?) the Doomhammer. Of course cement shamans dual wield they will use a magically created Doomhammer replica in the off hand.
But why? Alternate Universe Draenor has another Doomhammer. And since Orgrim Doomhammer is dead he won't be needing it anymore. Why not dual wield two actual doomhammers? Too epic? No such thing as too epic.
Moreover, we didn't get an expansion reveal. Granted, patch 2.4 will still arrive with a massive ammount of stuff.
Sadly none of them are Xiansai or Alien related. Unless of course Leoric is hiding a small green guy in his manor.
One new zone, two new areas, new rift types, set dungeons, UI reworks and so much more. This patch might be big enough to be called a patch by Square Enix.
Speaking of Diablo III it looks likeWorld of Warcraft is looking at D3 for ideas. If nothing gets cut along the way, a common fear of WoW players, Legion will include Diablo's random world drop legendaries, transmog log, bounties and even nephalem rifts. Sort of. Diablo III is a bit of a black sheep now as it is the only recent Blizzard game that can't really work as an e-sport, but it may have found a new calling as the R&D division for World of Warcraft.
Wether all of this will be enough to save WoW is a different matter. It largely depends on the number of announced features making it into the game. So far I personally am very impressed. The number of unfamiliar artifacts could use an adjustment. The most recent census revealed that warrior is the most played class. Despite this, all three of the artifacts are new additions to the lore. Gorehowl would have been a natural choice, Speaking of orcish weapons, there is a slight problem with the Doomhammer as well.
For reasons unkown Thrall will give enhancement shamans (shamen?) the Doomhammer. Of course cement shamans dual wield they will use a magically created Doomhammer replica in the off hand.
But why? Alternate Universe Draenor has another Doomhammer. And since Orgrim Doomhammer is dead he won't be needing it anymore. Why not dual wield two actual doomhammers? Too epic? No such thing as too epic.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Geek day
Hey folks. Remember what I said about not posting till Blizzcon?
I lied.
Well Blizzcon is a little over two hours away, but still. This day is going to be legendary in geek circles. All the stuff to talk about.
Yesterday it was announced that a Witcher movie is set for 2017. Wohooooo. Who can I play?
We also got the official synopsis for Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. It will indeed be set excluisively in new york. Mehhh
Today we are of course waiting for BlizzCon. The Warcraft movie trailer will debut and we will also get lots of new info on World of Warcraft: Legion.
But I feal I must stress that the juicy stuff will come from the deceptively short Diablo panel. There is no BlizzCon without a big reveal. Overwatch beta is underway, the movie is common knowledge, Star Craft II is near its end, Hearthstone got a new expansion recently, there is nothing major to do with Heroes of the Storm, and the next wow expansion was revealed at gamescom. Diablo is the only answer.
But before that we can still read the preliminary patch notes for As Goes Light so goes Darkness, the 3.1 patch of Final Fantasy XIV, and watch and rewatch the new japanese trailer for The Force Awakens.
The former reveals all the miriads of stuff we will get to play next tuesday. While we get fewer main scenario quests and trials compared to what has been the norm 3.1 still has more playable content than what other MMOs offer, and a generous ammount of quality of life changes are also included in the package. Once the final patch notes are here and I have put some playtime in it I will provide a more detailed description.
The latter gives us several never before seen scenes and lines of dialogue. Daisy Ridley shows us that John Boyega is not the only one who can do a superb 'oh crap' face. We also hear the latest version of BB-8's voice, along with the ever popular wilhelm scream when chewie blows some bad guys up.
Every fandom gets something
This is a good day to be a geek.
I lied.
Well Blizzcon is a little over two hours away, but still. This day is going to be legendary in geek circles. All the stuff to talk about.
Yesterday it was announced that a Witcher movie is set for 2017. Wohooooo. Who can I play?
We also got the official synopsis for Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. It will indeed be set excluisively in new york. Mehhh
Today we are of course waiting for BlizzCon. The Warcraft movie trailer will debut and we will also get lots of new info on World of Warcraft: Legion.
But I feal I must stress that the juicy stuff will come from the deceptively short Diablo panel. There is no BlizzCon without a big reveal. Overwatch beta is underway, the movie is common knowledge, Star Craft II is near its end, Hearthstone got a new expansion recently, there is nothing major to do with Heroes of the Storm, and the next wow expansion was revealed at gamescom. Diablo is the only answer.
But before that we can still read the preliminary patch notes for As Goes Light so goes Darkness, the 3.1 patch of Final Fantasy XIV, and watch and rewatch the new japanese trailer for The Force Awakens.
The former reveals all the miriads of stuff we will get to play next tuesday. While we get fewer main scenario quests and trials compared to what has been the norm 3.1 still has more playable content than what other MMOs offer, and a generous ammount of quality of life changes are also included in the package. Once the final patch notes are here and I have put some playtime in it I will provide a more detailed description.
The latter gives us several never before seen scenes and lines of dialogue. Daisy Ridley shows us that John Boyega is not the only one who can do a superb 'oh crap' face. We also hear the latest version of BB-8's voice, along with the ever popular wilhelm scream when chewie blows some bad guys up.
Every fandom gets something
This is a good day to be a geek.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Alien is the new black
Hello everyone!
This is going to be my last blog before BlizzCon. It is not exactly related, but it might tie in to it somewhat, as the topic is a trend that can be observed
I don't think I will get a nobel prize for pointing out that pop culture always had a favorite creature that gets most of the attention. This is pretty much common knowledge. This became apparent when vampires began monopolizing books, movies and video games. Inevitably the ammount of vampires, especially the sparkly ones, got too much and people began to get bored of them. Nowadays I am in the minority for still being interested in vampires.
When the general consensus became: bloodsuckers suck, the public turned towards another icon. Zombies. We had White Walkers and Walking Dead. Zombie's got their own land and even their own World War. They also found their own arch nemesises in the forms of plants. Unfortunately being an uninteligent slow moving corpse limits your possibilities, so zombies soon became old news. Of course they still get their regular game mode in call of duty releases, but call of duty is a swear word in civilized company.
So who next? For a time it looked like ghosts would take the stage. A new ghost busters movie is in development, Pirates of the Caribbean 5 will feature an evil ghost as a main antagonist, the latest Lego Ninjago season was against a ghost and Kung Fu Panda 3 was intended to have a ghost bad guy back when Mads Mikkelsen was still attached to the project.
But their place was taken by aliens. Our little green (and sometimes grey) friends began their gradual crawl towards the top with the release of Grand Theft Auto V and the beginning of the still unsolved Chiliad Mistery.
Well that's not much......
And next week we will see the release of Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.1 with a very UFO looking location: The Void Ark. Hey, does FFVII have aliens? Yep. For starters, Jenova is one. And technically so is Shinra.
And of course Fallout 4 which might have aliens in it (the last two games had). Team Fortress 2 also received some alien stuff with its latest update. Overwatch also has hints of beings that "came from beyond the moon". Speaking of Blizzard, the final installment of the StarCraft 2 trilogy will come on November 10. Also Blizzcon will give details about the warcraft movie (aliens use a dimensional portal to invade humans) and of course the latest WoW expansion, Legion which is about how orcs, draenei (both aliens) use artifacts left behind by the Titans (also aliens) to defeat the invading forces of the Burning Legion (all of them aliens). Makes you wonder wether we will get to explore a crashed alien ship in Diablo 3. Would be a nice adventure mode dungeon if we dont get an expansion after all.
But that's just vid....
Oh and there is a movie comming out called Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Might have heared of it. After that disney will make another five star wars movies. Totally unrelated to the recent SWTOR expansion though. Well maybe. Star Trek also gets another movie next year.
Yeah but...
Along with a new TV series. Oh and X-files also returns to TV as a mini series. Next year we will also get our hands on Deus Ex Mankind Divided, which might have grey aliens, and Mass Effect Andromeda, which definitely will. Don't know if it counts, but Dragon Ball Super, one of the surprise anime releases of 2015, will end its run on November 8. And next year will also give us the long awaited movie about Bruce Wayne fighting a destructive alien messiah wannabe.
I'd call this more than enough. All we need now is NASA giving us a news and we can accept our new alien overlords. After that? Well let's ask Kanye West:
Tell me what's next? Alien sex.
This is going to be my last blog before BlizzCon. It is not exactly related, but it might tie in to it somewhat, as the topic is a trend that can be observed
I don't think I will get a nobel prize for pointing out that pop culture always had a favorite creature that gets most of the attention. This is pretty much common knowledge. This became apparent when vampires began monopolizing books, movies and video games. Inevitably the ammount of vampires, especially the sparkly ones, got too much and people began to get bored of them. Nowadays I am in the minority for still being interested in vampires.
When the general consensus became: bloodsuckers suck, the public turned towards another icon. Zombies. We had White Walkers and Walking Dead. Zombie's got their own land and even their own World War. They also found their own arch nemesises in the forms of plants. Unfortunately being an uninteligent slow moving corpse limits your possibilities, so zombies soon became old news. Of course they still get their regular game mode in call of duty releases, but call of duty is a swear word in civilized company.
So who next? For a time it looked like ghosts would take the stage. A new ghost busters movie is in development, Pirates of the Caribbean 5 will feature an evil ghost as a main antagonist, the latest Lego Ninjago season was against a ghost and Kung Fu Panda 3 was intended to have a ghost bad guy back when Mads Mikkelsen was still attached to the project.
But their place was taken by aliens. Our little green (and sometimes grey) friends began their gradual crawl towards the top with the release of Grand Theft Auto V and the beginning of the still unsolved Chiliad Mistery.
Well that's not much......
And next week we will see the release of Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.1 with a very UFO looking location: The Void Ark. Hey, does FFVII have aliens? Yep. For starters, Jenova is one. And technically so is Shinra.
And of course Fallout 4 which might have aliens in it (the last two games had). Team Fortress 2 also received some alien stuff with its latest update. Overwatch also has hints of beings that "came from beyond the moon". Speaking of Blizzard, the final installment of the StarCraft 2 trilogy will come on November 10. Also Blizzcon will give details about the warcraft movie (aliens use a dimensional portal to invade humans) and of course the latest WoW expansion, Legion which is about how orcs, draenei (both aliens) use artifacts left behind by the Titans (also aliens) to defeat the invading forces of the Burning Legion (all of them aliens). Makes you wonder wether we will get to explore a crashed alien ship in Diablo 3. Would be a nice adventure mode dungeon if we dont get an expansion after all.
But that's just vid....
Oh and there is a movie comming out called Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Might have heared of it. After that disney will make another five star wars movies. Totally unrelated to the recent SWTOR expansion though. Well maybe. Star Trek also gets another movie next year.
Yeah but...
Along with a new TV series. Oh and X-files also returns to TV as a mini series. Next year we will also get our hands on Deus Ex Mankind Divided, which might have grey aliens, and Mass Effect Andromeda, which definitely will. Don't know if it counts, but Dragon Ball Super, one of the surprise anime releases of 2015, will end its run on November 8. And next year will also give us the long awaited movie about Bruce Wayne fighting a destructive alien messiah wannabe.
I'd call this more than enough. All we need now is NASA giving us a news and we can accept our new alien overlords. After that? Well let's ask Kanye West:
Tell me what's next? Alien sex.
Fantastic Beasts and where you won't find any
Welcome everyone for another unscheduled blog post.
Photos are finally arriving about the new Harry Potter trilogy: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. If the name rings a bell it is because FBAWTFT is one of the required books in Hogwarts. The new trilogy will supposedly chronicle Newt Scamander's research that lays the foundation for the book he will be famous for.
Except the movie will be set in New York City. London, Liverpool and a movie studio will be a stand in for 1920s New York.
Now there is some overlap between the habitat of the creatures in Scamander's book, but most of them only set foot on US soil if smugglers bring them there.
The places with more magical beasts than the entire North American Continent are the following: Eastern Europe, Britain, Asia, Africa, and Northern Europe. In fact Northern Europe has almost twice as many magical beasts as the US, Canada and Mexico combined. Oh and none of the creatures are indigenous to North America.
They pretty much picked the worst continent for finding fantastic beasts. And then decided to focus on one city on that continent.
Granted, the movie isn't out yet, and it will be the first installment of a trilogy but based on what we know. This won't be a good Potter movie. Then again, none of David Yates' Potter movies were.
Photos are finally arriving about the new Harry Potter trilogy: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. If the name rings a bell it is because FBAWTFT is one of the required books in Hogwarts. The new trilogy will supposedly chronicle Newt Scamander's research that lays the foundation for the book he will be famous for.
Except the movie will be set in New York City. London, Liverpool and a movie studio will be a stand in for 1920s New York.
Now there is some overlap between the habitat of the creatures in Scamander's book, but most of them only set foot on US soil if smugglers bring them there.
The places with more magical beasts than the entire North American Continent are the following: Eastern Europe, Britain, Asia, Africa, and Northern Europe. In fact Northern Europe has almost twice as many magical beasts as the US, Canada and Mexico combined. Oh and none of the creatures are indigenous to North America.
They pretty much picked the worst continent for finding fantastic beasts. And then decided to focus on one city on that continent.
Granted, the movie isn't out yet, and it will be the first installment of a trilogy but based on what we know. This won't be a good Potter movie. Then again, none of David Yates' Potter movies were.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake - Epilogue
everyone and happy halloween. Sorry for running off without a world last time, but I
figured saying goodbye, giving a preview to me saying goodbye and me
saying goodbye in this epilogue would have been redundant. And maybe
a bit redundant.
thanks for sticking with me till the end. And if you did, you read
through a lot of text. Well done. As I mentioned now, this discussion
was the reason I started my blog, which almost became a youtube
channel. But I think this is better as I don't wake the others and
you won't have to listen to my irregular breathing.
had a lot of fun writing this, so even if I am wrong on all points
and the final remake is completely different, it was worth it.
fact I would rather be wrong. As fond as I am of all the ideas I
outlined here what I really want is being surprised and blown away by
this new, fresh Final Fantasy VII. I want something outrageous and
totally left field crazy straight out of Bravely Default.
tell you the truth I would much rather hate it and slowly grow to
appreciate it than love it at first and slowly realise that that they
made the wrong decisions.
And for the love of good please don't fuck up the PC port! Pretty please. Just this once, Square Enix. Just this once do it right.
thanks again for reading my novella sized essay on the changes I
anticipate and/or wish for the remake of Final Fantasy VII. I will be
sure to write a review when it comes out. Untill then check my other
articles if you want and have a nice day. And tomorrow. And every day
Friday, October 30, 2015
Chapter 9 – The gamechanger
there everybody. We finally arrived at the grand finale. As you are
all very perceptive people I am sure you noticed that the title
doesn't reveal what we will be discussing this time. In fact this is
the only time I didn't give any hint of what will be the topic. I
wanted to increase the anticipation.
could this moron be thinking?
What is the biggest change that is
comming to Final Fantasy VII.
Well it is very popular nowadays.
letters, begins with a D.
no. Just joking. I had you worried there for a moment, huh? No, DRM
are the results of the misconception that players have to be punished
for not having enough money to buy new videogames or being cautious
when spending money on Ubisoft products. Smart companies like
Blizzard are able to get lots of money out of games that people can
play for free. The actual topic is.
much more friendly idea. According to Hajime Tabata not only will XV
have DLC but they will be free DLC. And we already have plenty of
precedent for DLC in other games, like Type-0 and XIII-2.
why are DLC such a big deal?
Well because the current game is not
desinged for them. Let's look at new character skins. That's about as
simple as DLC can get. It would also work well. Even if we only pick
canon outfits Cloud has the shinra trooper uniform, his regular
outfit, his cowgirl outfit and his advent children outfit. Tifa has
the regular, the advent children, the cowgirl and the wall market
outfit. Yuffie has one for Crisis Core, one for Kingdom Hearts, one
for Advent Children, one for Dirge of Cerberus and the regular. Oh
yeah and one more for Before Crisis. Even Vincent has the Turk suit
to change into.
how do you put them on? You can't even equip armor in VII. You might
think adding a new option in the menu is no big deal, but for me it
kinda is. Also, remember how I mentioned that Gilgamesh might show up
on the Battle Square? Currently there is no option to challenge
single opponents. It simply doesn't work that way.
about new scenarios? Keep in mind that at this point I am only
proposing things that have precedent in the series, so all of this
will likely totally happen. In XIII-2 you could play side stories
starring characters otherwise not playable in the game by going to
specific places. VII could either incorporate this system and have
you go to Costa Del Sol to relive Zack in swimwear fighting off
monsters with a freakin parasol.
Or, it could include a question to
the main menu when you pick new game. Do you want to play the
campaing or maybe What if Zack surived? - The untold adventures or
Aerith lives – The Wishful thinking or maybe Clouds journey home –
Across the multiverse.
am especially proud of my last idea. So Cloud goes crazy and falls
into the Lifestream. He is summoned to Ivalice for a few adventures
and sent back. But was he sent back? Maybe he missed the exit and
ended up in the future setting of Final Fantasy XVI. Or Spira where
he meets with Shinra and realises that he is in the past. A whole
campaing can be based on Cloud's dimension hopping adventures. And he
doesn't have to do it alone. He could party up with Gilgamesh and
make him playable for the first time. You know what? Let's throw in
my favorite sociopath Shantotto. She is super fun and also likes to
jump between different universes.
now I really want this game to happen. Damit.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 8 – Multiplayer
everyone. I'm back with another chapter of this hopefully popular
series. To tell you the truth it never occured to me that Final
Fantasy VII could have a multiplayer mode, but it popped up time and
time again in other articles concerning the subject so I figured I
will do this one for the community.
ge the obvious out of the way. If there is a multiplayer mode it will
be completely separate from the single player campaing. Like in Dirge
of Cerberus where you play one of the bad guys in what is pretty much
a prequel to the main story.
same formula could work here as well. The Wutai war could be an
excelent setting for a counter strike clone. Or the Turks fighting
AVALANCHE and the Ravens (mutant soldiers created by the apprentice
of Bugenhagen). With the Mako reactors we can even have bombsites.
Now that I think about it, it could be loads of fun. And it would be
a way to learn more about the backstory of the game. A win-win
that's about it. Sorry I don't have more thoughts on the matter but
like I said, this is an option I didn't consider much because it
never occured to me. Still I had to acknowledge that the wish for a
multiplayer mode is quite popular.
next one will be the last actual chapter before I put an end to this
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 7- Gilgamesh
know him, you love him and you kinda expect him to be in every Final
Fantasy game. Gilgamesh. Or Gilgamesh Ashur for Type-0 players and
Greg for XIV fans. Without doubt he is the protagonist of the Final
Fantasy series. He debuted in Final Fantasy V, reappeared in VIII and
the rest is history. He was put in the re-release of VI, he was there
in IX and even Final Fantasy IV: The after Years. So VII is the odd
one out from IV to IX as Gilgamesh is absent from the compilation.
But that might change.
The devs know how much the fans adore
Gilgamesh and his inclusion would be a change that would please
everyone. It would be suicide to miss this chance. I even know where
to put him in. Gilgamesh is based partially on the historical
Gilgamesh and partially on Benkei, a warrior monk who once decided to
camp a bridge on Kyoto fight anyone who wanted to cross and take
their swords when they lost. Kinda familiar. Benkei's shenanigans
continued untill he met his match at a hand of Minamoto no
Yoshitsune, who was taught by the tengu in the ancient arts of
beating the everloving crap out of people with a fan.
If my memory
serves me well the way to Wutai is through a nice long bridge. A rope
bridge, but that might change. Imagine that at the end of the Wutai
storyline Yuffie shows you arround her home, gives some neat
background lore and does just about everything to make you forget
that she robbed you all because her home is more important to her
than a terrorist, a traitor and a deranged maniac (Barret, Cait Sith
and Cloud). The tour would include the most famous landmarks. „And
this is Kisaragi Castle where father lives, thsz is my house because
we don't like each other so I got my own place. This is the Wutai gym
where pokemon trainers can get the materia badge, this is the famous
Big Bridge and over there is...wait, who is that guy?”
that concludes the expository banther. Because it is time to fight
like men. And ladies. And men who dress like ladies. And dogs who
dress like men. Now I really want that line to appear. If not there
will be a riot. I can make a pretty big riot all by my self.
good place would be in the Battle Square, like in XIII-2. Or on the
Higway at the end of the motorcycle ride in place of that weird
robot. Or all three places. Once alone and unmorphed, once morphed
and once with Enkidu.
also means a sweet new arrangement of Battle on the Big Bridge. Both
Ishimoto and Soken did it once. Time to do it again.
that's all for now. Only three more chapters to left. Next time we
will look at the possibility of a multiplayer mode.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 6 – Sephiroth
yes, good old Sephiroth. We already talked a lot about him but I want
to devote a couple of paragraphs to how the remake will affect him.
Don't worry he won't change into a woman or cut off his hair, but he
will likely won't be the same either.
put: Sephiroth is insanely popular. And it would be bad business not
to capitalize on that popularity. So we might see a bit more of
Sephiroth in the remake. For example there is that part when Cloud
and Sephiroth go to Nibelheim in the flashback and Sephiroth is a
party member. You can't control him so you just watch as he
automatically kills dragons without lifting a finger. Well as VIII
and X showed us: It is totally okay to give us control of the villain
and get a taste of power. This would be a perfect opportunity to ride
the Sephiroth bandwagon. Also every time we find him, well one of his
clones, he throws a materia or a Jenova fragment at you and flies
away. We never get to have a decent swordfight with him. We never
battle the normal Sephiroth. The final boss battle doesn't count.
of flying away. Thanks to One Winged Angel Sephiroth is required to
show off his single black wing, despite him not having one in the
original game. It is everywhere. Crisis Core, Advent Children,
Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts. It is pretty safe to assume that the wing
will appear in the remake as well.
that's pretty much it for our bad guy. We covered most questions
concerning him in previous chapters, but I wanted to get these two
out of the way. Next stop, the wandering swordsman.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Death Note TV Drama
Hello again everyone, and hello to first readers. Here I am with another unscheduled entry. Thing is, I finally got time to aquire the Death Note TV Drama that aired this summer to check if it is any good. Since I began watching last night and I am already done I am sure you can all make an educated guess.
It goes withouth saying that heavy spoilers are comming, not only for every adaptation of Death Note, but this one as well. You have been warned.
Let's get the obvious out of the way. It is not a complete word to word adaptation of the manga, like the anime. Sure, the anime was only about 99.9%, but still we can consider that complete. Of course this can't be helped as while the TV Drama episodes are twice as long as those of the anime, the latter has three times as many episodes. A lot of stuff is let on the cutting floor. But, considerably less than in the Live Action movies. For example the Yotsuba arc is back, Teru Mikami is back and so is Near and Mello. However Kiyomi Takada and Naomi Misora both fail to appear and the task force hunting Kira is missing quite a few people.
Also while it takes the entire pilot for Light Yagami to become Kira the series quickly picks up the pace and story arcs are given one episode each.
One of the more interesting and welcome changes to the narrative necessitated by the lack of time is the introduction of characters much earlier in the story. Teru Mikami is a public prosecutor interacting with Misa and investigating the Kira case independently since the very first episode, Light is regularly attending Misa's concerts even when he is the only Kira. And most importantly, Near is actively assisting L during the Yotsuba arc. This way it doesn't appear that characters are pulled out of rectums at late points of the story.
Speaking of Near. Although the subtitles would have you believe otherwise, he is a she in this version. A sweet little androgynous girl. On the surface at least. Truth is she is a superb hacker and an even better actress. She makes use of these skills when cornering Light. Sadly her detective skills are downplayed since L left her video messages with clues and very specific intrustions, but her character is still fantastic. She even managed to fake her evil alternate personality taking over her. Oh yes, big spoiler...
Mello is the alternate personality of Near in this version. Earlier she used a creepy ventriloquist doll resembling anime Mello when conversing with her, but later she just carried the doll around. She still dresses up in the same leather dress and picks up a chocolate bar as Mello when she kidnaps Light's sister. I can understand how this would annoy or anger huge Mello fans, but honestly I loved this version of the character. Mio Yuuki did an amazing job portraying her and I hope I can watch my newest celebrity crush in several high profile roles in the comming years.
Now on to the criticism. As there is plenty of things I didn't like. Sadly, all of my concerns are with main characters.
First there is Misa. While she remains an ally of Kira longer than in other versions and effectively replaces Takada, nothing much happens to her. She never meets L face to face untill after she looses her memories, she isn't pickpocketet for her mobile phone, she doesn't try to commit suicide during interrogation, her audition at Yotsuba HQ is just a diversion for Light to get evidence aaand in the very short time she spends as Kira she doesn't kill a single member of the task force. Of course she survives and avoids prosecution, but she is even dumber than the original and all her important or memorable scenes are cut. She's also just one of three singers in her band.
Second is L. Generally they nailed his character. Again. But while his jerkyness increased, many of his quirks were donwplayed. He is rarely seen eating and mostly just drinks juices. His iconic sitting position is only seen once. Aaaaand he takes of Light's handcuffs before they get a chance to do capoeira. As a compensation we see him without a shirt. A lot. And I mean a lot. So if you are attracted to men, you can have beefcake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Ryuk's quirkiness wasn't downplayed at all. On the contrary they went overboard with it. He comes off as an embarrassing parent desperately trying to show his kids best friends how hip he can be. The results are of course being irritating as hell. Add a high pitched voice and you have the perfect ingredients for a disaster. A shame really.
And sadly, there is Light Yagami himself. He is a very interesting character here, but he isn't Light Yagami. He is not the multy talented genius he is in every other version. In fact he needs a dictionary to translate the death note's rules. His plans fail more often than usual and even when he is not in danger he stutters like Shia LaBeouf. He almost never wears a suit and his god complex kicks in so late I didn't expect it to appear at all. He is more human and relatable, but I personally think that Light Yagami is, much like Hannibal Lecter, not meant to be relatable. Genius psychopaths are pretty far from everyday humans.
So, yes. The TV series is far from perfect, but it is a superbly acted, and nicely scored little series that familiarises viewers with Death Note far better than the Movie trilogy. Definitely recommended for fans and for those curious of DN but too scared of being branded an otaku to watch the anime.
It goes withouth saying that heavy spoilers are comming, not only for every adaptation of Death Note, but this one as well. You have been warned.
Let's get the obvious out of the way. It is not a complete word to word adaptation of the manga, like the anime. Sure, the anime was only about 99.9%, but still we can consider that complete. Of course this can't be helped as while the TV Drama episodes are twice as long as those of the anime, the latter has three times as many episodes. A lot of stuff is let on the cutting floor. But, considerably less than in the Live Action movies. For example the Yotsuba arc is back, Teru Mikami is back and so is Near and Mello. However Kiyomi Takada and Naomi Misora both fail to appear and the task force hunting Kira is missing quite a few people.
Also while it takes the entire pilot for Light Yagami to become Kira the series quickly picks up the pace and story arcs are given one episode each.
One of the more interesting and welcome changes to the narrative necessitated by the lack of time is the introduction of characters much earlier in the story. Teru Mikami is a public prosecutor interacting with Misa and investigating the Kira case independently since the very first episode, Light is regularly attending Misa's concerts even when he is the only Kira. And most importantly, Near is actively assisting L during the Yotsuba arc. This way it doesn't appear that characters are pulled out of rectums at late points of the story.
Speaking of Near. Although the subtitles would have you believe otherwise, he is a she in this version. A sweet little androgynous girl. On the surface at least. Truth is she is a superb hacker and an even better actress. She makes use of these skills when cornering Light. Sadly her detective skills are downplayed since L left her video messages with clues and very specific intrustions, but her character is still fantastic. She even managed to fake her evil alternate personality taking over her. Oh yes, big spoiler...
Mello is the alternate personality of Near in this version. Earlier she used a creepy ventriloquist doll resembling anime Mello when conversing with her, but later she just carried the doll around. She still dresses up in the same leather dress and picks up a chocolate bar as Mello when she kidnaps Light's sister. I can understand how this would annoy or anger huge Mello fans, but honestly I loved this version of the character. Mio Yuuki did an amazing job portraying her and I hope I can watch my newest celebrity crush in several high profile roles in the comming years.
Now on to the criticism. As there is plenty of things I didn't like. Sadly, all of my concerns are with main characters.
First there is Misa. While she remains an ally of Kira longer than in other versions and effectively replaces Takada, nothing much happens to her. She never meets L face to face untill after she looses her memories, she isn't pickpocketet for her mobile phone, she doesn't try to commit suicide during interrogation, her audition at Yotsuba HQ is just a diversion for Light to get evidence aaand in the very short time she spends as Kira she doesn't kill a single member of the task force. Of course she survives and avoids prosecution, but she is even dumber than the original and all her important or memorable scenes are cut. She's also just one of three singers in her band.
Second is L. Generally they nailed his character. Again. But while his jerkyness increased, many of his quirks were donwplayed. He is rarely seen eating and mostly just drinks juices. His iconic sitting position is only seen once. Aaaaand he takes of Light's handcuffs before they get a chance to do capoeira. As a compensation we see him without a shirt. A lot. And I mean a lot. So if you are attracted to men, you can have beefcake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Ryuk's quirkiness wasn't downplayed at all. On the contrary they went overboard with it. He comes off as an embarrassing parent desperately trying to show his kids best friends how hip he can be. The results are of course being irritating as hell. Add a high pitched voice and you have the perfect ingredients for a disaster. A shame really.
And sadly, there is Light Yagami himself. He is a very interesting character here, but he isn't Light Yagami. He is not the multy talented genius he is in every other version. In fact he needs a dictionary to translate the death note's rules. His plans fail more often than usual and even when he is not in danger he stutters like Shia LaBeouf. He almost never wears a suit and his god complex kicks in so late I didn't expect it to appear at all. He is more human and relatable, but I personally think that Light Yagami is, much like Hannibal Lecter, not meant to be relatable. Genius psychopaths are pretty far from everyday humans.
So, yes. The TV series is far from perfect, but it is a superbly acted, and nicely scored little series that familiarises viewers with Death Note far better than the Movie trilogy. Definitely recommended for fans and for those curious of DN but too scared of being branded an otaku to watch the anime.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 5 – Story
there readers. Welcome to the most controversial part of our ongoing
discussion of the Final Fantasy VII. Most fans get an epileptic
seizure at the mention of story changes, but there will inevitably be
some as the current spoilers are all common knowledge. I put story
changes into one of three categories. Necessary, Useful and Neat.
look at the first group. You may be under the impression that no
story change is necessary, but that is not entirely true. When Final
Fantasy VII came out it was a standalone game like all the others and
had no prequels or sequels. But then everything changed when the fire
nation attacked. Okay, nobody attacked but several games, short
stories and anime came that placed VII inside a wider canon. This of
course left its mark on the story of VII as we now know that several
events did not quite occur as we saw them in game.
example several characters survived that we believed dead. Don
Corneo, Rufus Shinra, Tseng. As certain as their deaths was they all
live to fight another day. Professor Hojo uploads his consciousness
to a machine and both Aerith and Sephiroth become parts of the
Lifestream. Hell, the final cutscene didn't show anyone beside Nanaki
and his children surviving.
of course there are the dirty little details like the original
AVALANCHE – lead by Bugenhagen's apprentice - intending to wipe
out all life on the planet, the Turks being responsible for Yuffie's
materia obsession, Genesis being responsible for Sephiroth's
downfall, Zack wiping out the entire Shinra army before being killed
by the last three, Zack being an energetic and kind hearted kid
instead of the jerkass we believed him based on Cloud's alternative
persona, Vincent not being the first person Hojo puts dangerous
materia in, the existence of Deepground, and the fact that when the
Lifestream appears at the end of the game it carries Sephiroth's
cells and infects everyone with geostigma.
of Zack. Where is Cissney? You know she is the young and pretty Turk
agent who had a crush on Zack but lost to Aerith. We last saw her
searching for Zack as he and Cloud were fleeing the Shinra army. Next
time we see the Turks only Tseng, Reno, Rude and Elena are around.
What happened to her? And what about Aerith? She spent a lot of time
with Zack and probably know that he has a friend called Cloud Strife
who is a Shinra grunt. So whn Cloud comes with Zack's sword she
should figure out that something is fishy. Yuffie also had several
encounters with Zack and may or may not have seen him wield the
Buster Sword. So what's going on? Do the girls have an unspoken
agreement not to mention the holes in Cloud's story? Or are we
looking at a new running gag of Tifa covering their – Yuffie's and
Aerith's - mouths and dragging them away every time they try to
correct Cloud? Oh and with Crisis Core out we now know what the
LOVELESS posters in Midgar meant. Well we sort of know.
this is just the compilation. We also know that VII is a distant
sequel of X. To think that such a ruthless megacorporation would be
the result of a single Al Bhed kid's curiosity. There is also the
small matter of Cloud falling into the Lifestream for quite some time
before surfacing in Mideel as a vegetable. It is quite easy to
pinpoint that it was during this time that he was summoned into
Ivalice to play a part in the events of Final Fantasy Tactics. We may
see that or we may not but we know that he had quite the adventure
while the rest of the group escaped Shinra captivity. Kingdom Hearts
II is most likely not canon but if you think about it he is in a
world filled with talking animals and kids who fight with keys and
the Tifa and Sephiroth we encounter there are the representations of
Cloud's good and bad side respectively. I would probably hallucinate
something similar if I were him. And it was also directed by Nomura.
No idea for Dissidia.
So what would be useful? Well this is where we go from a little controversial to downright blasphemous. As I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter: the plot twists in Final Fantasy VII are common knowledge. People still misunderstand some things but we all know that Sephiroth was actually dead for most of the game, Cloud's memories are fake, and Aerith dies. If we want to be as shocked by the remake as much as we were by the original when we first played it, the story must change. Not completely, but small details. In the original version Vincent was a private detective focusing on supernatural cases, Sephiroth was Aerith's brother – later changed to former lover. Eek - , Yuffie was a 25 years old ex-SOLDIER bounty hunter, Barret was Marlene's biological father, SOLDERs were made with real Cetra cells, and the post Nibelheim Cloud really was a fake created by Sephiroth. Also Edea was originally created for VII not VIII. It was also set in New York city at one point.
changes are hardly salvagable without retconning away most of the
compilation but indicate the types of small changes that may be
possible. And no, Aerith will not survive. That is kinda her thing.
At the very beginning the two basic ideas for the story were: 'You
chase Sephiroth around the world' and 'Aerith dies'. She was created
for that purpose. Tifa was created much later to give Cloud a love
interest that doesn't die. This is probably why Aerith and Cloud have
so much chemistry while his relationship with Tifa is more or less:
„Hey, Tifa I recovered my memories and remembered that when we were
kids I had a huge crush on you because you looked like Tifa Lockhart
from Final Fantasy VII so maybe we could you know live together and
adopt a random kid.” Fun fact: In the original Cloud was not
wrongfully blamed for injuring Tifa. He totally gave her a huge scar.
what about the misunderstood part? Well one of the most persistant
arguments about VII is wether Sephiroth controls Jenova or the other
way around. On the one hand J has been a corpse since before
Sephiroth was even born. On the other hand we regularly fight very
much living monsters that are created from her cells. Well as several
interviews revealed Sephiroth is the one in control. He is just very
good at controling Jenova cells. This is how he controls Cloud and
the other clones. Yes, Sephiroth is waaay to fixated on his mother
but he is not a puppet or under any sorts of mind control. The worst
we can say about him is that he suffers from villain decay as he is
less sane every time he comes back to life and he spends less time
living. By the time we get to Cloud Returns: Final Fantasy VII he
will be a regular mook.
Kefka is compared to Sephiroth the winning argument by Kefka fans is
usually: Sephiroth failed to destroy the world while Kefka did it.
Although Kefka did cause a lot of destruction – without killing any
of the main characters in the process – there is one tiny problem
with this argument. Sephiroth totally didn't want to destroy the
planet. He knew that it is not possible. He just wanted to threaten
it enough for the Lifestream to appear and merge with it to become a
god. In this universe ascendace to godhood is a much more involved
process than moving three statues around. It didn't quite go as
planned but he did become an unremovable part of the Lifestream and
he infected thousands of people with geostigma. Not bad really.
making this misunderstood parts more obvious would definitely be a
useful change. If not outright necessary. So what would be neat now
that we have a shocking story that acknowledges the compilation? Time
to watch the trailer.
that part at roughly half a minute? In the Midgar playground is a
blond girl and a two boys fighting with toy swords and the blond boy
is holding one that looks a lot like the Buster Sword. Sure that
might be just a random scene for the fans. But what if they are not.
What if the blond girl and boy are Cloud's kids. Maybe He and Tifa
finally did it. So what would that mean for the story? Well a
narration of course. Imagine the game opening with the playground
scene. And then adult Cloud comes to take them home. The kids don't
want to leave so he tells them that if they come home he will tell
them the story of how he and mom beat Sephiroth. Of course I know of
an even better narrator candidate.
Rhapsodos. Even his name translate to something like the original
performer of the epic poem. The last time we saw him was during the
end of Dirge of Cerberus when he picked up the unconscious Weiss to
go on an adventure. He could be silently observing the Strifes before
resolving the go to them and ask for their forgiveness. When Weiss
asked him what is ther to forgive, he begins to explain how
everything is his fault. Well technically it is because he was behind
Sephiroth's downfall. Any story deviations from the original could be
explained by A: Him not being present and B: His overly dramatic way
of talking. Much how like in A Realm Reborn the Wandering Minstrel
gave a different account of the fight against Ultima Weapon. And hey,
the Compilation cannot even agree on what happened in Nibelheim.
After Cloud, Zack and the Turks, we would get to see a new
on that note I think it is time to call it a day. This was probably
the last mega chapter as I now only have a few more things to discuss
as we steadily march towards the final chapter. Hope you will not
miss the next chapter in which we will give a special spotlight to
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 4 – Materia
back folks. Since we talked a lot about how some materia might become
problematic I decided to devote a short chapter to materia. Now I
could have named it progression system but the thing is, Final
Fantasy doesn't have a real progression system beside leveling
also revealed that materia weren't always so important at an early
part of development. All of this might leave you wondering wether
materia will stay at all or be outright removed from the game..
is something that will never happen. At this point materia are an
integral part of the lore. The Sister Ray is powered by materia,
Meteor is launched by the Black Materia and Holy by the White
Materia. And that is just this game. Before Crisis has the Zirconiade
materia and the support materia needed to summon it, Crisis Core has
the Goddess Materia, and Dirge of Verberus has the Proto Materia.
Materia are also frequently depicted on screen and mentioned in
Advent Children.
Materia away from Final Fantasy VII would be like taking away
lightsabers or the Force from Star Wars. It's completely out of the
I do believe is that materia will loose some of their significance.
If there is some sort of meaningful progress beside materia the whole
Wutai sequence will be a lot less painful. In XIV materia are only
their to provide passive bonuses to equipment. This also wouldn't
work as the plot relevant materia are used for summoning or very
strong magic spells so the right use of materia is probably in the
middle ground between VII and XIV.
for the alternative progression system: That depends on wether jobs
will return or not. And wether we will be able to change jobs or not.
We probably shouldn't expect any major surprise. Progression systems
in Final Fantasy are usually not overly complicated and give a lot of
freedom. Whatever we get here will be the same.
now I must bid you all farewell. Next chapter will be the most
controversial of them all as we will tackle changes to the story. Oh
Friday, October 23, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 3 – Combat
there everyone. The flow of starwars posts has ended so welcome back to the extra long discussion of the
Final Fantasy VII remake's possible changes. We already got passed
the sights and sounds so its finally time to tackle a topic more
closely related to gameplay: combat.
Tetsuya Nomura already revealed that we can expect 'dramatic
changes'. Whatever that is supposed to mean is anyone's guess as
apparently they are testing what combat system works best.
let's see what could work.
as I mentioned before, I am not a great fan of VII's combat. Mostly
because the characters don't feal that different in combat outside of
the limit breaks. The game depends too much on materia for
abilities. As a result Yuffie doesn't feal like a ninja at all and
neither Barret and Cid have any fun tech abilities despite being a
gun armed man and a an engineer respectively. IV had a very bad
progression system but every character had mutliple exclusive
abilities which made the combat super fun. Incidentally there was a
time in VII's development when the characters had jobs assigned to
them. It was probably during this same time that Yuffie was a 25
years old ex-SOLDIER bounty hunter who is obsessed with money instead
of materia. We have no way of knowing but it seems that we could have
gotten a better combat system. Of course the definition of 'better'
depends on the individual.
you ask me, and if you are still reading this series of articles you
kinda did, the best of the turn based combat systems is the one in
Final Fantasy X. The characters feal different, you can costumize how
your limit break – well overdrive – gauge is filled up, the
overdrives are sort of interactive, summons don't leave after just
one attack, and you can switch your party configuration mid battle
which gives it a very dynamic feal for a completely turn based combat
system. I freakin love it. And to be completely honest I would be
totally okay with the remake getting the exact same combat system.
Okay, I don't want one character to hoard all the summon materia, but
otherwise it's perfectly fine.
it is quite obvious that combat in Final Fantasy is moving slowly but
steadily towards real time action combat. As loath I am to relinquish
control over my characters I still think that this move is probably
for the best as no series can stay relevant without innovation.
on how real time the combat becomes we might see a few more changes,
or perhaps a lot more.
say for example that remake will end up with the combat system of
XIII. Not quite turn based, but not fully action either. Now the
obvious change is that you can only control the party leader. I will
be really upset if this happens. If the uprgaded game has less
options than the original it wasn't a sucessful upgrade. Of course
everyone would still get the chance to be the party leader at one
point or another. At the very least in the Battle Square. The problem
is that either yourt party members will use their mana points,
summons and limit break automaticly instead of when you want them to,
or perhaps not use them at all. This raises the question of wether
you should equip them with materia at all. If the summons replace the
active party it is guaranteed that only the party leader will get to
summon them. Unfortunately summon materia also affect your stats. And
usually they affect your physical stats negatively. So giving cloud
all the summon materia is like the worst thing ever. Not to mention
that it takes the place of several neat support materia.
let us assume we will have a fully real time combat system. Type-0
has one, Crisis Core had one, and XV will have one. Out of these the
one I like the most is the one in Type-0 because you can control a
whole party and you can switch your active character without
restriction. Of course even this would necessitate several changes.
I mentioned when talking about animations that we will likely have to
say goodbye to the cover materia. A real time fighting system would
also spell the doom of double strike. I mean how would that even
work? It wouldn't. And then there is Yuffie. Poor girl can't take a
break, I'm always bugging her. Problem is, her bigass shuriken is not
the most practical of weapons. It may still work in a XIII style
combat system, Hope had no difficulty with his boomerang, but in real
time combat she wouldn't last a minute. Her combat style consists of
throwing away her only weapon and being a sitting duck untill it
comes back. Cait Sith smacking people with a megaphone simply looks
stupid, but Yuffie's is actually counter productive. Maybe it is time
she used the two kunai in her hair. Maybe. I mean dual wielding
bladed weapons is kinda what ninjas do in Final Fantasy. And
ninjutsu. Miss Kisaragi does neither.
not let's look at the new combat from the perspective of the enemies.
A real time combat means that the players can dodge any attack
provided they are quick enough. So there really is no reason why
enemies have to play fair. Sephiroth has no abilities that are
guaranteed one-hit-kills. This might change if we can simply walk
away from AoE markers. We will also most likely get to see a larger
number of enemies in any given fight. The engine can take it and so
can we.
I think we can also take a break here before we discuss materia a
Thursday, October 22, 2015
KotFE Day 2 - For the first time in forever
Hello and welcome back everyone. So what did I do yesterday?
Well, chapter 4-9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire. It was over surprisingly quickly. Frankly I would have liked to play a bit more. Okay, a lot more. Maybe I'm just very good at this, but hardly anyone died. Appart from the already known Darth Marr, I only lost one follower. He was my favorite. :( He will be missed.
Okay, I'm gonna say it: Bioware is back. The old Bioware, before the EA purchase. I loved the story. I was genuinely sad when my companion died and I can actually honestly say that I was surprised by some of the twists. I also liked how we sometimes cut to the villains and looked at what they are doing. I also laughed my ass off quite a lot of times. It gave me a very wide range of emotions that lately only Final Fantasy games gave me. Good job, Bioware. Really.
Of course I wasn't satisfied with everything. Too many central NPC's survived, it was too short, the fights were pitifully easy and I still mostly used the gear I got from shadow of revan. And I didn't change the look of any of the pieces. And it was too short. Also there is one villain (not gonna say names) that I battled twice already and he is still supposed to be a majore threat. You can only battle a bad guy a limited time before he looses his scariness and you start looking like a wuss for not killing him already. He also lacks any real motivation. I like his sister more.
But all of this criticism ammounts for nothing as KotFE gave us something that I am sure many of us have been waiting for since SWTOR launched. True end game.
This is something every MMO needs, but SWTOR didn't have much to offer in this regard. We have eleven operations in the game. Wrath of the Lich King alone gave WoW nine raids.
Untill now there wasn't much to do and even less incentive to do it. Now we have the Alliance system. People from former earlier flashpoints, storylines or short stories (Rise of the Hutt Cartel was relevant after all. Wohooo) return to give you quests. These quests give you new companions. Some are old ones you lost and others are from different classes (it is implied that all other class heroes are dead). But that's not all. The quests also gives you credits, companion gifts, influence with the quest giver and suppplies caches. These supply caches contain even more gear for you and adds to your "war assets' against Arcann. Since the story is pretty much done you cannot fight him with these assets yet, but handing in enough caches still rewards you with buffs for the new flashpoints also comming. Of course if I know correctly (didn't try yet) caches can also come from all the repeatable heroic missions you skipped while leveling 1-65 and said no flashpoints. There is a lot of stuff to do and you have reasons to do it. What more do you need?
Well a roll of duct tape is very nice cause the new mechanic girl can be really rude sometimes.
And Dathomir. Wookieepedia claims that D is in the game now, but I sure didn't see it. Since Nar Shaddaa is a moon I can honestly say that Dathomir is my favorite planet.
If it's not in the game after all I would be happy to write a storyline for it.
Well, chapter 4-9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire. It was over surprisingly quickly. Frankly I would have liked to play a bit more. Okay, a lot more. Maybe I'm just very good at this, but hardly anyone died. Appart from the already known Darth Marr, I only lost one follower. He was my favorite. :( He will be missed.
Okay, I'm gonna say it: Bioware is back. The old Bioware, before the EA purchase. I loved the story. I was genuinely sad when my companion died and I can actually honestly say that I was surprised by some of the twists. I also liked how we sometimes cut to the villains and looked at what they are doing. I also laughed my ass off quite a lot of times. It gave me a very wide range of emotions that lately only Final Fantasy games gave me. Good job, Bioware. Really.
Of course I wasn't satisfied with everything. Too many central NPC's survived, it was too short, the fights were pitifully easy and I still mostly used the gear I got from shadow of revan. And I didn't change the look of any of the pieces. And it was too short. Also there is one villain (not gonna say names) that I battled twice already and he is still supposed to be a majore threat. You can only battle a bad guy a limited time before he looses his scariness and you start looking like a wuss for not killing him already. He also lacks any real motivation. I like his sister more.
But all of this criticism ammounts for nothing as KotFE gave us something that I am sure many of us have been waiting for since SWTOR launched. True end game.
This is something every MMO needs, but SWTOR didn't have much to offer in this regard. We have eleven operations in the game. Wrath of the Lich King alone gave WoW nine raids.
Untill now there wasn't much to do and even less incentive to do it. Now we have the Alliance system. People from former earlier flashpoints, storylines or short stories (Rise of the Hutt Cartel was relevant after all. Wohooo) return to give you quests. These quests give you new companions. Some are old ones you lost and others are from different classes (it is implied that all other class heroes are dead). But that's not all. The quests also gives you credits, companion gifts, influence with the quest giver and suppplies caches. These supply caches contain even more gear for you and adds to your "war assets' against Arcann. Since the story is pretty much done you cannot fight him with these assets yet, but handing in enough caches still rewards you with buffs for the new flashpoints also comming. Of course if I know correctly (didn't try yet) caches can also come from all the repeatable heroic missions you skipped while leveling 1-65 and said no flashpoints. There is a lot of stuff to do and you have reasons to do it. What more do you need?
Well a roll of duct tape is very nice cause the new mechanic girl can be really rude sometimes.
And Dathomir. Wookieepedia claims that D is in the game now, but I sure didn't see it. Since Nar Shaddaa is a moon I can honestly say that Dathomir is my favorite planet.
If it's not in the game after all I would be happy to write a storyline for it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
KotFE Day 1 - It is calling to you. Just log it in.
Hello readers.
So, yeah. Day one of early access was yesterday. I still don't get why I am here writing my experiences instead of playing, but I really love you all so I'm going to be nice.
When I logged in I was at first overwhelmed. That's generally a pretty good sign for an expansion. I spent on hour reworking my action bars and another mixing and matching weapon upgrades for my two favorite weapon skins. It was like Tuco Ramirez buying his new gun. Only, my smuggler had two.
After about two and a half hours of preparation I was ready to jump into the story and see if my suspicions were correct. Well I think they are. I won't spoil it but I honestly didn't see some of the twists comming. I'm at the very beginning of Chapter IV so most of what I played was already revealed in official streams. Still, I am itching for more. Thankfully HK knows where to start.
So, yeah. Day one of early access was yesterday. I still don't get why I am here writing my experiences instead of playing, but I really love you all so I'm going to be nice.
When I logged in I was at first overwhelmed. That's generally a pretty good sign for an expansion. I spent on hour reworking my action bars and another mixing and matching weapon upgrades for my two favorite weapon skins. It was like Tuco Ramirez buying his new gun. Only, my smuggler had two.
After about two and a half hours of preparation I was ready to jump into the story and see if my suspicions were correct. Well I think they are. I won't spoil it but I honestly didn't see some of the twists comming. I'm at the very beginning of Chapter IV so most of what I played was already revealed in official streams. Still, I am itching for more. Thankfully HK knows where to start.
Knights of the First Expansion
Yesterday the trailer was not the only star wars news. Early access finall began for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire. When I call it the first proper expansion, I mean it is the first one sufficiently packed. Galactic Starfighter and Galactic Strongholds were each just one gimmick. Apparently when Bioware thinks of a new gameplay idea they name it an expansion and give it out. What I still don't understand is why we still can't play pazaak, sabacc and dejarik? Nar Shaddaa is playable, damit.
Not that I am complaining, at least we have housing, with neat added teleport features. Taking notes, Blizzard?
Rise of the Hutt Cartel on the other hand had no gimmicks. Instead it increased the level cap by five and continued the story with the magestic rise of the Hutt Cartel that ended before you even realised the Cartel is supposed to be rising. Finally someone on the dev team figured out it is time to give the game some actual plot again and gave us Shadow of Revan. SoR gave us the longest story arc since the class storylines and even revamped the progression system. It was the perfect warm up for KotFE.
Remember how I said sufficiently packed? Well Knights of the Fallen Empire is as packed as expansions can be. The catch is? Most of those are gameplay tweeks and not playable content. Nevertheless it is pretty impressive how every aspect of the game got changed.
And the story didn't even begin.
Wether the game is as good as it was intended to be will be revealed in a new series of articles about my early access experiences.
Not that I am complaining, at least we have housing, with neat added teleport features. Taking notes, Blizzard?
Rise of the Hutt Cartel on the other hand had no gimmicks. Instead it increased the level cap by five and continued the story with the magestic rise of the Hutt Cartel that ended before you even realised the Cartel is supposed to be rising. Finally someone on the dev team figured out it is time to give the game some actual plot again and gave us Shadow of Revan. SoR gave us the longest story arc since the class storylines and even revamped the progression system. It was the perfect warm up for KotFE.
Remember how I said sufficiently packed? Well Knights of the Fallen Empire is as packed as expansions can be. The catch is? Most of those are gameplay tweeks and not playable content. Nevertheless it is pretty impressive how every aspect of the game got changed.
- Polished character selection screen? Yep
- Added visuals to character creation? Yep
- New graphic options? Yep
- Several interface changes? Mhmmmm
- New GUI editing functions? You better believe it
- Revamped crafting? Also yes
- Revamped companion system? Yes again
- Revamped leveling experience? Sure thing
- Class skill tweeks? Why not
- Stat changes? Of course
And the story didn't even begin.
Wether the game is as good as it was intended to be will be revealed in a new series of articles about my early access experiences.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Star Wars - Just let it in
And it is finally here. The actual trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens. And it is freakin awesome.
I will eat crow and my hat and a crow wearing my hat if it is not true, but I'm going to say it. This will be awesome.
The action looks great, the acting looks great (hey look, emotions. Haven't seen that in a star wars movie in 30 years) and I'm getting strong star wars vibes from it.
The only thing I can nitpick is that very little seems new. Most of the stuff so far seems to be lifted from the OT and polished. Of course after a whole trilogy of disappointments this might be a sensible approach, but I would prefer some innovation.
There are few bits here and there. Finn seems to have taken ideas from Kyle Katarn (big bonus point) Maz Kanata is apparently a female yoda (different species, but still a small grinning gremlin, strong in the Force) and a pirate queen at the same time aaand there are the Knights of Ren.
The Knights of Ren are a weird bunch. We don't even know if they are all Force sensitive or not, but Kylo seems to be the only one with a lightsaber. While Kylo is working for the First Order, there is no indiacation that the Knights as a whole are affiliated with them, Or any order of Force users like the Sith or the Witches of Dathomir. Not inquisitors either as all of those had lightsabers.
So in other words, they are all new.
I will eat crow and my hat and a crow wearing my hat if it is not true, but I'm going to say it. This will be awesome.
The action looks great, the acting looks great (hey look, emotions. Haven't seen that in a star wars movie in 30 years) and I'm getting strong star wars vibes from it.
The only thing I can nitpick is that very little seems new. Most of the stuff so far seems to be lifted from the OT and polished. Of course after a whole trilogy of disappointments this might be a sensible approach, but I would prefer some innovation.
There are few bits here and there. Finn seems to have taken ideas from Kyle Katarn (big bonus point) Maz Kanata is apparently a female yoda (different species, but still a small grinning gremlin, strong in the Force) and a pirate queen at the same time aaand there are the Knights of Ren.
The Knights of Ren are a weird bunch. We don't even know if they are all Force sensitive or not, but Kylo seems to be the only one with a lightsaber. While Kylo is working for the First Order, there is no indiacation that the Knights as a whole are affiliated with them, Or any order of Force users like the Sith or the Witches of Dathomir. Not inquisitors either as all of those had lightsabers.
So in other words, they are all new.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Star Wars The Poster Awakens
Hellllo people.
Sorry for not posting anything lately, but I have been busy. But now I return just a day before early access for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire begins and the first actual trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Speaking of which, the official poster for TFA finall hit today. It is a good time to be a star wars fan.
A few random thoughts:
Sorry for not posting anything lately, but I have been busy. But now I return just a day before early access for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire begins and the first actual trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Speaking of which, the official poster for TFA finall hit today. It is a good time to be a star wars fan.
![]() |
It's so dense. Every single image has so many things going on. |
- Wohoooo Leia is here. Havent seen much of her beside her hand.
- Finn AKA Black Kyle Katarn looks badass with that saber.
- 3PO! Mr Plinkett called. He wants to not what is wrong with your faaaaaaace? Seriously his face looks freakish from this distance.
- Maz Kanata (if that is her) looks a lot like an Asura from Guild Wars 2. It's already exciting that a woman became a pirate leader (a very manly job) but if she's this small, imagine how badass she has to be to ear her respect. It's really hard to pick a favorite character for this movie.
- Rey looks super cool with that staff. We don't have enough melee weapons that aren't lightsabers.
- Starkiller base is very weird. On the poster it looks like another death star with a bigger gun (go figure) but we saw it in a trailer and it was an ice planet with an atmosphere and everything.
- The Joker is conspicuosly absent. Err I mean Darth Bane.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The Default Fictional Character Test
Hello everyone.
Here I am with another unscheduled post.
Hearts of Stone, the first expansion of Witcher 3 is finally out. You may have noticed that the entire internet is talking about it. Unfortunately I haven't obtained a copy of it yet, so this won't be a review. However it is a good time to talk about the issue as some sites brought it up again.
One of the very few points of criticism against Witcher 3 was the lack of people of color. Some people argued that Sapkowski's universe was based on medieval Poland, so its okay for everyone being a pale skinned redhead. Others claimed that since the Witcher series is set in a fantasy universe, everything goes. I really love asian cultures but with that logic we should have head giant mechas in Lord of the Rings.
Another game comming out in the near future is Assassin's Creed Syndicate and right after the highly anticipated 10 terrabyte day one patch. Syndicate will finally have a playable female character after people at Ubisoft repeatedly told us that animating women is a lot of work. Or something.
Now instead of pointing fingers at racist, sexist and whateverist developers and filmmakers, let's play a game. Everybody loves games, right? So, you probably heard of the bechdel test and the sexy lamp test. Now here is my test. The Default Fictional Character Test.
If you know your history you are aware that when the phrase: "All men are created equal" was coined, men meant white, straight, upper middle class, angol saxon protestant males.
This could make a pretty good template for a default fictional character. Let's throw in undisabled as well.
Now, think of a character that isn't like this. Someone who deviates from one or more points. Got it? Okay, now think of what this adds to the story or how it explains his or her character a bit better.
If you couldn't think of anything, I have bad news for you. It really is a waste of time to change that character from the default.
Representation for representation's sake is just as insulting as leaving someone out.
"Hey there, black guy. We need to fill our quota of black guys. Come here and be just like everyone else." Not good, isn't it?
Let me give you a few examples:
Albus Dumbledore. It is common knowledge that Snape kills him. It is also common knowledge that he is gay. Also, these two points are completely unrelated. But his sexuality isn't just an interesting piece of trivia. It explains why he left himself be influenced so strongly by an evil wizard and caused the event that lead to his sister's death. He was totally in love with Grindelwald. Love makes you stupid. Nothing new with this. It also makes you form pacts with bad guys and vow to gather all the artifacts that play crucial roles in the story. Like the invisibility cloak that was the reason he got in touch with the Potters. And the stone with which he wanted to bring back his dead sister. You know, the one in the ring that cursed him with a terminal ilness that made him accept his death at the end of book six. Wow, the series would have been totally different with a straight Dumbledore.
Tifa Lockhart. She is a woman. A very sexy woman. But could she have been a guy? Not really, cause she was put into the story to give Cloud a love interest after Aerith dies. But more importantly, it is an important aspect of her character arc. When she was a child her dream was for the big brave SOLDIER hero, Cloud, to save her from perill. Yes, she pretty much wanted to be a damsel in distress. Of course when the Nibelheim incident happened she quickly learned from Sephiroth that being a damsel in distress in pretty bad. So she decided she had enough of DiD suffering heroes not saving her and learned kung fu. This wouldn't have worked with Terence Lockhart.
Covetous Shen. The hungry and lusftul jeweler in Diablo III. In an unexpected but much appreciated move he wasn't designed as a jewish caricature. No, he is chinese. Why? Well probably because he is Zei, the trickster god in Xiansai mythology. And you all know what Xiansai is like. This also gives us a good opportunity to learn more about the culture of Xiansai and enrich the setting. It helps the game that he is from a far eastern asia inspired land.
Toph Beifong. I already mentioned my favorite Avatar character when I compared her to Yuffie. So what about her? Well she is a small blind girl on the outside and a really buff guy on the inside. Also, she is the mellon lord, but that's not the point. Her blindness is very important. First, it is because of her disability that her parents don't take her seriously and protected her in extreme ways like hiding her existence from the outside world. She understandably resents them for this. Her condition also explains why she is so good at bending. She cannot with her eyes so she is pretty much forced to see with her bending, much like the original earth benders, the badgermoles. This was she forms a much more intimate connection with the earth. This helps her to defeat all her opponents, who by the way underestimate her for being a blind little girl. Also, the jokes related to her blindness are the best ones in the series. Both series.
Now let's make a witcher character non white. Like Azar Javed. Oh, wait, he is already not. Okay, Shani. Let's make her Xia Ni a chinese (looking) girl. Don't change anything else, just this. Honestly I don't know how this would have satisfied anyone.
Character traits should only be there if the story requires it to be there. Otherwise they are pointless.
There is one exception though. Average looking people, otherwise known as too ugly for hollywood people. There is no reason to point at people that don't look like Brad Pitt, or draw atteniton to ugly girls that are not Amanda Seyfired with uncombed hair and hipster glasses. However it is pretty insulting to us, non-models how the media portrays both genders. In the original beauty and the beast Ron Perlman had to sit for hours while his makeup was applied. In the new version some random prettyboy is the beast. We know he is the beast cause he has scar on his chin. Oliver Queenn wasn't originally like this either. We need more normal looking people.
Here I am with another unscheduled post.
Hearts of Stone, the first expansion of Witcher 3 is finally out. You may have noticed that the entire internet is talking about it. Unfortunately I haven't obtained a copy of it yet, so this won't be a review. However it is a good time to talk about the issue as some sites brought it up again.
One of the very few points of criticism against Witcher 3 was the lack of people of color. Some people argued that Sapkowski's universe was based on medieval Poland, so its okay for everyone being a pale skinned redhead. Others claimed that since the Witcher series is set in a fantasy universe, everything goes. I really love asian cultures but with that logic we should have head giant mechas in Lord of the Rings.
Another game comming out in the near future is Assassin's Creed Syndicate and right after the highly anticipated 10 terrabyte day one patch. Syndicate will finally have a playable female character after people at Ubisoft repeatedly told us that animating women is a lot of work. Or something.
Now instead of pointing fingers at racist, sexist and whateverist developers and filmmakers, let's play a game. Everybody loves games, right? So, you probably heard of the bechdel test and the sexy lamp test. Now here is my test. The Default Fictional Character Test.
If you know your history you are aware that when the phrase: "All men are created equal" was coined, men meant white, straight, upper middle class, angol saxon protestant males.
This could make a pretty good template for a default fictional character. Let's throw in undisabled as well.
Now, think of a character that isn't like this. Someone who deviates from one or more points. Got it? Okay, now think of what this adds to the story or how it explains his or her character a bit better.
If you couldn't think of anything, I have bad news for you. It really is a waste of time to change that character from the default.
Representation for representation's sake is just as insulting as leaving someone out.
"Hey there, black guy. We need to fill our quota of black guys. Come here and be just like everyone else." Not good, isn't it?
Let me give you a few examples:
Albus Dumbledore. It is common knowledge that Snape kills him. It is also common knowledge that he is gay. Also, these two points are completely unrelated. But his sexuality isn't just an interesting piece of trivia. It explains why he left himself be influenced so strongly by an evil wizard and caused the event that lead to his sister's death. He was totally in love with Grindelwald. Love makes you stupid. Nothing new with this. It also makes you form pacts with bad guys and vow to gather all the artifacts that play crucial roles in the story. Like the invisibility cloak that was the reason he got in touch with the Potters. And the stone with which he wanted to bring back his dead sister. You know, the one in the ring that cursed him with a terminal ilness that made him accept his death at the end of book six. Wow, the series would have been totally different with a straight Dumbledore.
Tifa Lockhart. She is a woman. A very sexy woman. But could she have been a guy? Not really, cause she was put into the story to give Cloud a love interest after Aerith dies. But more importantly, it is an important aspect of her character arc. When she was a child her dream was for the big brave SOLDIER hero, Cloud, to save her from perill. Yes, she pretty much wanted to be a damsel in distress. Of course when the Nibelheim incident happened she quickly learned from Sephiroth that being a damsel in distress in pretty bad. So she decided she had enough of DiD suffering heroes not saving her and learned kung fu. This wouldn't have worked with Terence Lockhart.
Covetous Shen. The hungry and lusftul jeweler in Diablo III. In an unexpected but much appreciated move he wasn't designed as a jewish caricature. No, he is chinese. Why? Well probably because he is Zei, the trickster god in Xiansai mythology. And you all know what Xiansai is like. This also gives us a good opportunity to learn more about the culture of Xiansai and enrich the setting. It helps the game that he is from a far eastern asia inspired land.
Toph Beifong. I already mentioned my favorite Avatar character when I compared her to Yuffie. So what about her? Well she is a small blind girl on the outside and a really buff guy on the inside. Also, she is the mellon lord, but that's not the point. Her blindness is very important. First, it is because of her disability that her parents don't take her seriously and protected her in extreme ways like hiding her existence from the outside world. She understandably resents them for this. Her condition also explains why she is so good at bending. She cannot with her eyes so she is pretty much forced to see with her bending, much like the original earth benders, the badgermoles. This was she forms a much more intimate connection with the earth. This helps her to defeat all her opponents, who by the way underestimate her for being a blind little girl. Also, the jokes related to her blindness are the best ones in the series. Both series.
Now let's make a witcher character non white. Like Azar Javed. Oh, wait, he is already not. Okay, Shani. Let's make her Xia Ni a chinese (looking) girl. Don't change anything else, just this. Honestly I don't know how this would have satisfied anyone.
Character traits should only be there if the story requires it to be there. Otherwise they are pointless.
There is one exception though. Average looking people, otherwise known as too ugly for hollywood people. There is no reason to point at people that don't look like Brad Pitt, or draw atteniton to ugly girls that are not Amanda Seyfired with uncombed hair and hipster glasses. However it is pretty insulting to us, non-models how the media portrays both genders. In the original beauty and the beast Ron Perlman had to sit for hours while his makeup was applied. In the new version some random prettyboy is the beast. We know he is the beast cause he has scar on his chin. Oliver Queenn wasn't originally like this either. We need more normal looking people.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Diablo III at BlizzCon
Hello there everyone.
Let's get back to Diablo III for a bit shall we? The wonderful people at Diablo Fans got their hands on the BlizzCon schedule in the small window it was online. Apparently what they are planning for Diablo is rather vague and my prediction might not fit into the one hour that will be dedicated to whatever is happening.
But there is no reason to be alarmed. Maybe whatever comes will not be called an expansion but patch 2.4 it doesn't matter. Well it does matter cause Blizzard can't get money off a patch, but we get the content either way.
And we are going to get it. Something wicked this way comes. I quoth:
"Join the Diablo development team to learn about new zones, new sets and legendary powers, new monsters, new features and more."
Wait what? New zones? As in plural? New features? And more? Whatever and more is it's not a feature a zone a monster an item set or a legendary power. Hmmmmmmmm
I don't know about you guys, but this sounds like a massive ammount of new stuff.
Does it matter at all wether it is called an expansion or not?
Let's get back to Diablo III for a bit shall we? The wonderful people at Diablo Fans got their hands on the BlizzCon schedule in the small window it was online. Apparently what they are planning for Diablo is rather vague and my prediction might not fit into the one hour that will be dedicated to whatever is happening.
But there is no reason to be alarmed. Maybe whatever comes will not be called an expansion but patch 2.4 it doesn't matter. Well it does matter cause Blizzard can't get money off a patch, but we get the content either way.
And we are going to get it. Something wicked this way comes. I quoth:
Wait what? New zones? As in plural? New features? And more? Whatever and more is it's not a feature a zone a monster an item set or a legendary power. Hmmmmmmmm
I don't know about you guys, but this sounds like a massive ammount of new stuff.
Does it matter at all wether it is called an expansion or not?
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 2 – Audio
back everyone. Last time we discussed urban development, Titan's
table manners, Aerith's bodily fluids and tying up Yuffie. If you had
as much fun reading it as I had writing it, it was time well spent
for both of us. This time we will tackle another topic that needs no
explanation. So naturally this chapter will be even longer. Or maybe
not. It all depends on how much explanation my points will need or
how many weird pop culture references will come to my mind as I talk
about sound. I will try to do my best.
might be wondering what there is to discuss? Of course there will be
voice acting and of course everyone will use the Advent Children
voices. Duh. Well I have to correct you riiiight there. You see the
choice is not that simple for everyone. I have to pick on poor Yuffie
again who has one english voice actress for Kingdom Hearts and AC and
another for Kingdom Hearts II and Dirge of Cerberus, while the late
Aerith has no less than three voice actresses to her name. Mandy
Moore for Kingdom Hearts, Andrea Bowen for Crisis Core and Dissidia
012, and the super cute Mena Suvari for Kingdom Hearts II and Advent
Children. Which one will it be? Sephiroth also has two english voice
actors, but George Newbern voiced him for all but one of his
appearance so he is easy. Thankfully this means that Rude will be
voiced by Crispin Freeman. I can't wait till he bumps into Vinccent.
Last time he met a Valentine was pretty fun. Come to think of it,
with the right materia Vincent can do everything Alucard asked of
Luke. „Summon up your demons, transform your body, heal your
severed legs and stand.” All check out.
what of those who have no voice. And I'm not even talking about
random shopkeepers. I'm talking about people like President Shinra,
Don Corneo or Godo Kisaragi (please, Ken Watanabe). Or Kyahaha and
Gyahaha AKA Scarlet and Heidegger. They are kinda important. In fact
a remarkable number of important people have no voice actors.
Including the parents of the protagonists. Cloud's mother, Tifa's
father and Aerith's biological and adoptive mother (Ifalna and Elmyra
Gainsborough respectively). Oh yeah she also has a father, Professor
Gast Faremis. And well, this is only english. Even the first witcher
had 8 different languages to chose from both for vice and for
subtitle. And that was seven years ago. At this age besides english
and japanese the minimum is French, Italian, Spanish and German.
Maybe Russian or Chinese. That's a lot of voice actors. I wonder if
we will have an option to mix and match the languages. Hopefully yes.
all the text in the game will be translated into several languages
and voiced. Minus the weird stuff like „This guy are sick” and
the choice to eat Korean BBQ in Midgar. But is that all?
about party banther? In XIII your party members talked regularly with
each other while you walked around and did your thing. Even those not
in the active party. It is also a good place to give up additional
background info that appear in the compilation elsewhere. You can't
really expect people to play Before Crisis, a japanese only cellphone
more perceptive of you might have noticed that the chapter title is
Audio and not Voice acting. And there are lots of audio related stuff
in the game. So it is time to bug the summons again. Now I don't want
to suggest awkward things, but quite a few summons sound like a goat
that is handled ahemm.....illegally. Let's leave it at that.
that we are warmed up time to jump into the question of music. This
is one of the best things to discuss about Final Fantasy since, much
like Star Wars, there is no installment without at least one
eargasmic song. A new release of course requires a remastered
soundtrack. However it might not be Uematsu who does it. *gasp* We
are doomed! No, not really. Okay, listen up. Nobuo Uematsu is God.
Obviously. At the very least the god of music. Nobodyully replace
him. And I would absolutely love if he remxied the soundtrack for the
remake. Along with creating new songs need be. However he already did
enough and he wants to relax and let the new generation take his
place he has every right to do that. There are two people I can think
of who might replace him.
one is Masayoshi Soken. A relatively new rising star ammong Final
Fantasy composers. In some ways he is like a young Uematsu. He is
very talented, very vestaile and has his own metal band. He already
reworked several iconic Uematsu pieces for the Relm Reborn
soundtrack. Most notable for us in this case is his rework of Gold
Saucer. He has everyhing necessary for the job. Only problem is, he
has his hands full with XIV. Even Yoshie-P made a joke once about how
little time Soken has. And if your boss, your japanese boss, makes
jokes about how overworked you are, it is a sign that you probably
can't take up more projects.
number two is Takeharu Ishimoto. You could hear his work in the
recently released Type-0 HD where he mixed orchestral pieces with
heavy rock songs. His style is very much final fantasy but has a
unique flavour to is. He also did the soundtrack to every Dissidia
installment and, most importantly, half the VII compilation. Crisis
Core, Before Crisis and Last Order to be exact. If this doesn't
qualify someone to do the remake's soundtrack, nothing will.
course Square Enix might surpise us and do something totally
unexpected like dragging away Kumi Tanioka from Crystal Chronicles
and give her the job.
let's concentrate on one particular song for now. One Winged Angel.
Oppinions are divided wether it is better than Dancing Mad or not,
but it is definitely one of the most beloved and influential songs
Uematsu created. It has to be played at every Final Fantasy concert
and some songs are written with the exact purpose of surpassing it.
Caius's theme for example. However its fame is sort of the problem.
As any TV Tropes reader can tell you Seinfeld is Unfunny. What this
means is that no matter how revolutionary a tv show, or video game is
when it comes out it will look like a cliché storm years later. One
of the biggest selling points of One Winged Angel is the latin
chanting. Except in the PC port of course which excludes that part.
Grrrrrrr. Unfortunately, said chanting has been copied over and over and
over and over again. Even inside the series. Hell latin chanting is
so cliché now that Soken even has a software that randomly generates
latin lyrics for him. Really. Now OWA had plently of reworks so far
but this time the composer should go beyond what Uematsu did for
Advent Children and change the language of the lyrics. Yes, yes I
know what I am suggesting is blasphemy, madness and sparta. Still it
is the only way to make it as effective as it was when the original
came out. But what language? A good choice in this case is to use a
made up language like in Skyrim or for Ramuh's theme in A Realm
Reborn. Naturally VII has no such luck. Sanskrit also works for epic
boss fights and Gavin Dunne the absolute genius behind Miracle of
Sound can even make french sound badass if the need arises. Apologies for french readers. As sexy as your language is, it isn't badass at all. The only
problem is that a song about a freakin angel can't be in just any
language that can sound badass. It needs to be in a language that
makes sense thematically. So what if not latin?
I am happy to tell you that there is one that fits even better than
latin. And that my friends is Hebrew. You might have heared of it in
basically any class or course that deals with western religion. Not
only is our idea of angels based on a set of Hebrew texts, but the
world Sephiroth (well Sephirot) itself is Hebrew. I am most
definitely not an expert on Kabbalah but the gist of it is something
like this. There are ten Sephirah (plural form: Sephirot) and they
are they ways in which God can interact with the world before
physically manifesting in it. This is a pretty accurate description
of what Sephiroth did in VII with his clones and in Advent Children
with his remnants.
yes I think the best way to keep One Winged Angel fresh and ensure it
has the same effect the original had is to give it completely new
lyrics in Hebrew.
leaves us with the question of where in the orchestral – metal axis
the new OWA will be placed. The one in Crisis Core leaned more
towards orchestral while the Advent Children version was pure heavy
metal. In fact the entire Advent Children soundtrack was a huge leap
towards heavy metal. Okay not the entire one, but it is still very
metal. It will be interesting to see wether the new soundtrack will
follow the same direction. If the tone is not right it can and will
divide the fandom. Metal works well for boss fights but not for
places like the Temple of the Ancients or Wutai.
I'm bringing up Wutai a lot. I freakin love the place. In fact I
started playing Final Fantasy VII, my first FF game, because I wanted
a game that is either set in or features a place influenced by
medieval japan. And well Wutai was and still is the most famous
I will talk about this a bit more in a later chapter I can't stop
without mentioning that I wouldn't mind if the new soundtrack
included Battle on the Big Bridge, as Final Fantasy VII is sticking
out as a sore thumb from the other installments for not featuring a
certain fan favorite swordsman.
on that note I will call end to this part of the discussion. In the
next part we will finally talk about gameplay. Combat and progression
to be specific. Well they may get their own chapters but you get the
idea. Anyway combat will definitely appear next time. And we will try
to figure out what 'dramatic change' actually means.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 1 – Visuals
back everyone to our dissection of the yet untitled Final Fantasy VII
remake. In the first actual chapter we are going to look at the
visuals. You might think there is no point discussing it because of
course the visuals will be updated.
that's kinda not true. You see the visuals of VII can't be updated.
You could do that with X and call it a day, but not with the ones
before it. You see Final Fantasy VII is not a 3D game. Well not
entirely. Sure the characters are in 3D, but most of the scenery is
not. Not to mention the camera is fixed. It always follows you from
one angle as you go from one end of the screen to the other. And yes,
most areas are exactly as big as the the screen. And they don't get
much bigger either. Obviously all of this will change in the remake.
The environment will be viewed from angles that just plain didn't
exist in the original game. So the devs will have to make sure there
is stuff there to see. Pretty much every environment will have to be
rebuilt from the ground up.Anda naturally everything will have to be
larger. It is hard to guess the size of towns and cities when they
are divided into several screens, but no such luck this time.
Remember Kalm? The first town you stop at after escaping Midgar? It
is there that Cloud gives his account of the Nibelheim Incident. It
also serves as the first area of Dirge of Cerberus and well it is
kinda at the very least ten times as big. If we apply the same size
increase to all the areas the end result will mean that Nomura and co
will have a crapton of work ahead of them. Also can't wait for HD
I think there will be more stuff added to the game than removed there
is one thing we must add to the removed part right now. And that is
the overworld. Like it or not it is a relic of a bygone era. The
current trends call for an open fully explorable world map like in
Skyrim. Or I should say like in Final Fantasy XV. And you know what
that means? That's right. Lots and lots of work on thee environment.
Huge patches of empty grass, carbon copy forests and miles of sea
without small islands are not fun. Appart from a few exceptions you
find anything interesting on the world map is when the story requires
you to do. Like when you fight Toph. Err...sorry, Yuffie. Still you
can't deny that she and Miss Beifong share lots of smilarities.
Anyroad as diverse as the gameplay is, the story itself is pretty
linear. You go here, you do this go somewhere else and do that. As
such there aren't many areas that are not relevant to the plot or
areas that are only there to give side quests. Actually only Wutai
comes to my mind. Now if you have a wide open world map this has to
change. Now if moogles were real they could have a cave somewhere. Or
the sylphs maybe. And we just slipped into gameplay and lore changes
that are necessary solely because the visuals got an update. See? And
this is just scratching the surface. Speaking of scratching.
Now the combat system will be discussed separately, but the combat
animations are also parts of the visuals. And they need a huge
overhaul. Now most of it is dependant on the combat system. For
example the cover animation is pretty weird. It needs a rework. But
if the game gets anything more modern than a fully turn based combat
system and it might be removed completely. You know, like how you
don't see party members teleporting in front of you in XIII. We will
also most likely see a much wider variety of sword strikes from good
old Cloud. Watching him repeat the same vertical slash can get
then there are the summons. Dear god, the summons. First there is
the..ehmm...weird fade out at the beginning. I'm pretty sure
characters won't change into their outlines in the remake. But that
is nothing compared to what the summons themselves do. Sure some make
a reasonable ammount of sense, like Ifrit, Ramuh or Odin. Leviathan
is pushing it a bit with his (her?) tidal wave that should
realisctically rearrange towns, but I'll let that pass. Titan however
is charged guilty. There is probably a reason why he is getting less
and less screen time as the graphic engines improve. His 'table flip'
should leave a permanent scar on thegame world. And if you are in an
elevator...well good luck. I'm not sure how XV will solve this
problem. Titan might get an entirely new attack both there and here.
Exhibit number two is Neo Bahamut. A good indication that a summon in
VII is messed up is its absence from crisis core. Neo B falls into
this camp along with Titan and Kujata. Table flips and making solid
ground wave is trippy enough, but this particular Bahamut has
probably the most messed up attack. And yes that includes Bahamut
Fury weaponizing the moon.
refresh your memories in case playing VII was a long time ago: Neo
Bahamut levitates a huge chunk of the ground – without leaving a
hole naturally – up into the sky. This happens even if you happen
to be inside a cave or a building. Next he destroys the levitated
piece of ground with a huge beam. Naturally the laser that causes
solid rock blast into splinters does not immediately kill the enemies
even if they happen to be a bunch of insects that you can one-shot
kill with your default attack. No, what kills them is the fall from
the stratosphere back to the second floor of a 50 storey building or
whatever. Funnily enough this can happen to enemies that can totally
fly. Sure a simple little bird might forget that it can fly after
this spectacle, but definitely not Sephiroth.
yeah. TL;DR version: The summons will most likely undergo a lot of
change as in their current form some would break our suspension of
disbelief, the graphic engine, the fourth wall and all sorts of
physics rules.
course we cannot talk about the visuals of combat without mentioning
blood. In the old games combat was very much bloodless even though
slashing someone with the buster sword should have made every battle
look like it's from Kill Bill. Type-0 has a sort of realistic take on
how combat should look like. Question is: how realistic do we want
Aerith's death to be? It already broke our hearts. But still, getting
stabbed by a sword that size is bound to draw blood. With all the
pools of water around we could get lots of stunning images. Hey
Aerith, look at these pretty red flowers in the water.....
last thing before we wrap up this chapter. If you are a Final Fantasy
fan chances are you have heared of HC Bailly. He is a pretty awesome
guy who has let's play videos for most of the final fantasy entries.
We disagree on some points (6 vs 7, how to pronounce Yuffie) but I
still love his videos and watch them regularly. Sometimes because I
get stuck and a lot of times just to have fun. Well me Bailly noticed
something fishy when doing the Wutai quest line. As you no doubt
remember Elena and Yuffie are kidnapped by Don Corneo and tied to a
statue. So far this sounds like pretty standard fair for Final
Fantasy girls. Most of them get tied up or chained to a wall at least
once by the villains. And the villains always forget about gagging
them for reasons I cannot fathom. Anyway there are several problems
with this particular one. I'll let the gag issue pass as Yuffie has
some pretty funny lines here( as well). The first thing Bailly
noticed is that the girls have no visible restrains on them. Yuffie
mentions something about rope work, but as far as we can see she and
Elana are superglued to the statue. Expect it cant be superglue as
after Corneo presses a button on a remote, that I don't quite
remember seeing, the captives turn upside down in a way that doesn't
make sense no matter how ropes - that by the way can't be operated
remotely – are applied to them. As a final point Bailly draws
attention to the fact that the girls are tied to an area of the
statue that can't be reached no matter where you stand. This is
probably a reason why their release wasn't shown on screen. This
naturally needs some reworks. Although I'm pretty sure all SE has to
do is organize a deviant art contest to draw 'Elena and Yuffie tied
to a statue'. Problem solved. Unfortunately for Yuffie I'm not off
her case yet. The whole Wutai story beings with her memorable theft
of all our materia. Including those on other characters. And yes,
including those you have equipped on your weapons. She does all of
this by...well I'm not sure how because we never see. She never
really touches the player party before fleeing the Shinra troops and
by that time you are already robbed.
nice way to solve this problem is for Yuffie convincing the party to
call it a day and make camp. During the night she will have plenty of
time to take all the materia and flee. Of course we would see her
leave and follow her only to be bumped into the Shinra soldiers.
Actually camping might be a permanent feature if it works well in XV.
An existing party camp would definitely answer the question of where
the rest of the gang is while are off fighting before you get the
Highwind. It would also be a good place to get additional influence
points for the Gold Saucer date. And whoops we are back to affecting
gameplay again.
that's it for visuals. Hope you guys enjoyed it and will return for
the audio discussion.
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