Sunday, October 18, 2015

Star Wars The Poster Awakens

Hellllo people.
Sorry for not posting anything lately, but I have been busy. But now I return just a day before early access for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire begins and the first actual trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Speaking of which, the official poster for TFA finall hit today. It is a good time to be a star wars fan.

It's so dense. Every single image has so many things going on.
A few random thoughts:

  • Wohoooo Leia is here. Havent seen much of her beside her hand.
  • Finn AKA Black Kyle Katarn looks badass with that saber.
  • 3PO! Mr Plinkett called. He wants to not what is wrong with your faaaaaaace? Seriously his face looks freakish from this distance.
  • Maz Kanata (if that is her) looks a lot like an Asura from Guild Wars 2. It's already exciting that a woman became a pirate leader (a very manly job) but if she's this small, imagine how badass she has to be to ear her respect. It's really hard to pick a favorite character for this movie.
  • Rey looks super cool with that staff. We don't have enough melee weapons that aren't lightsabers.
  • Starkiller base is very weird. On the poster it looks like another death star with a bigger gun (go figure) but we saw it in a trailer and it was an ice planet with an atmosphere and everything.
  • The Joker is conspicuosly absent. Err I mean Darth Bane.

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