the very reason I started this blog. No I am not using internet
explorer by the way. It just took long to pick the right platform for
this discussion.
a quick recap. If you have been living under a rock for the past four
months: Final Fantasy VII is finally officially totally being remade
for PS4 (and probably for every single gaming platform later, but it
is a timed exclusive for the time being).
is this such a big news? Well in case you have been living under a
rock for the past eighteen years: Final Fantasy VII is one of the top
competitors for the title of best videogame of all time. Wikipedia
actually has a ranking of video games based on how many best
videogame ever lists they topped. On that list, FFVII is number 3
with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger as first and
secon respectively. GTA V and all the Call of Duty titles are veeery
far away.
it is a pretty awesome game. Some say it is overrated. It is actually
true. Both VI and IX have an overall better soundtrack, it has the
second worst romance of the series, there isn't much difference
between the otherwise diverse characters in terms of combat, and I
have other similar small gripes with it. The game is by no means
perfect, despite what other Final Fantasy VII fans would have you
believe. But it is also not utter garbage, as most Final Fantasy VI
(III for those from the US) fans claim.
could go on for ages about the pros and cons of Final Fantasy VII but
that is not the purpose of this series of articles. Short answer is,
I think VII really is the best entry in the series. But like every
other time the same rules apply. This is not the gospel. This
is just my oppinion. To tell the truth, neither installment is
objectively better than the other, even if parts of it are. Let me
explain. I hundred percent believe that the gameplay is much more
diverse than in every other entry in the series. Maybe not XIV, but
even there it is a close call. You see in VII you can travel by foot,
chocobo, buggy, a downed airplane or an airship. You can play
basketball, a weird claw game, a robot fighting game or adventure
game starring a moogle. At different points of the story you can take
part in excavations, ride around with a motorcycle and killing
enemies while mounted, chase down enemies in a submarine
and......alright this is getting way too long. Bottom line is, it had
so many side activities that the GTA series looks linear in
comparison. In this regard it is objectively better than the other
entries. But it is subjective how important this is for you. Maybe
you only care about combat, and frankly VI had a lot more satisfying
combat. Especially with Sabin in it.
regardless of how far you rank it the fact remains that Final Fantasy
VII was an immensly popular game at its relies, way ahead of its
time, that defined how the western world looked at JRPGs.
now it is being remade. Not converted into HD, but remade. Director
Tetsuysa Nomura already revealed that we can expect dramatic changes,
at the very least in terms of combat. The fandom is divided about
wether this is a good thing. The trailer said it best: „The renuion
at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever
it brings.” Most fans regard FF VII as a precious jewel and think
of even the smallest change as blasphemy. This is one of the many
reasons why people didn't think Square Enix would actually do a
remake despite it being rumored ever since the PS2 was released. Now
I have my favorite moments and if those change I will be very mad.
But a lot of things won't be the same. And that is for the best.
am a translator and interpreter by profession and one of the most
important things we are taught is that our goal is not to translate
the text given to us, but the meaing, the intention. We need the
translation to have the same effect as the original.
that is the objective of this remake as well. The original game had
cutting edge graphics, a diverse gamemplay, a hidden influence system
and it was the first example of cloud based gaming(ba dum tss). The
remake won't be the revolutionary gamechanger the original was by
simply copying all this and making it shinier. There will be a lot of
change. Let us see what these will be.
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