Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Star Wars - Just let it in

And it is finally here. The actual trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens. And it is freakin awesome.

I will eat crow and my hat and a crow wearing my hat if it is not true, but I'm going to say it. This will be awesome.

The action looks great, the acting looks great (hey look, emotions. Haven't seen that in a star wars movie in 30 years) and I'm getting strong star wars vibes from it.

The only thing I can nitpick is that very little seems new. Most of the stuff so far seems to be lifted from the OT and polished. Of course after a whole trilogy of disappointments this might be a sensible approach, but I would prefer some innovation.

There are few bits here and there. Finn seems to have taken ideas from Kyle Katarn (big bonus point) Maz Kanata is apparently a female yoda (different species, but still a small grinning gremlin, strong in the Force) and a pirate queen at the same time aaand there are the Knights of Ren.

The Knights of Ren are a weird bunch. We don't even know if they are all Force sensitive or not, but Kylo seems to be the only one with a lightsaber. While Kylo is working for the First Order, there is no indiacation that the Knights as a whole are affiliated with them, Or any order of Force users like the Sith or the Witches of Dathomir. Not inquisitors either as all of those had lightsabers.

So in other words, they are all new.

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