Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Knights of the Fallen Empire - The Outsmuggler

Good evening people. Assuming it is evening when you read it.
Last time I promised that I would explain why I think the Smuggler is the best choice for the Outlander in SWTOR: KotFE and because I always try to be a nice guy I'm going to do just that.
Now obviously everyone will have at least four Outlanders, if not eight, but let's be honest. Nobody puts the same ammount of effort into all his characters. Everybody has a 'main'.

So why smuggler? There are several reasons. Number one is simple. Because it is a smuggler. Here is your chance to be Han Solo. If that doesn't excite you I don't know what will. Especially since almost all star wars games let you play as a jedi or a sith. Smugglers on the other hand weren't playable untill SWTOR came along. Of course I ditched the Han Solo image in favor of a twi'lek chick. Call me crazy, but for me the smuggler is a very manly job so it was a lot of fun to defy all the expectations and be a badass girl. For added giggles I selected the chubbiest body type.

Also there is the ship. Granted all classes are given a ship, but that's just the thing. They are given a ship. The smuggler does not. It already has a ship because, well smugglers need one. Also it makes more sense for smugglers to pilot their own ships and to be good at it. Why would the inquisitor know how to pilot anything for example? Most slaves aren't ace pilots (yeah yeah, Anakin, I know).
Speaking of our ship. What I especially love about the smuggler is how the story is structured. Classes like the jedi knight, the consular or the agent just do mostly unrelated stuff in sequence. Here is a very simple and slightly biased version of the knight storyline: The jedi sense a darkness, It is totally Bengel More. Whoops, no it isn't, The Darkness is on Coruscant. Tarnis is evil. Killing Tarnis pissed off Angral. Killing Angral pissed off the Emperor.
Technically there is a connection. Well at least after Coruscant.  Tython is completely irrelevant for the story. Now as a smuggler the first character you see is Skavak, who will be the main bad guy till the end of chapter one. The second one you see is Corso, your fist companion. Skavak betrays you after the first quest is done and getting your ship is the story of Ord Mantell AND Coruscant. After the betrayal you go to Fort Garnick and learn about Rogun the Butcher, who will be a thorn in your side untill the end of chapter 3. You will deal with him before settling your score with the first person you see on Coruscant and kill the final boss whom was first mentioned at the beginning of chapter 2. What chapter 1 is about after you get back your ship? Well doing the stuff Skavak stole your ship for.
You do feal that a big part of your journey has ended with chapter 1 but it still feals a lot more like one whole story.

And since we are on the subject of stories, now would be a good time to mention that the smuggler's story is the funniest. Go on, luck up any list on youtube about the funniest moments in Swtor. At least a good two third of it will be about the smuggler story. And the giggles begin as  early as Ord Mantell.

But there is one area where the smuggler story really beats all others. And that is lore. It has small callbacks sprinkled all over the storyline. The first thing you need to get Nok Drayen's treasure is a star map belonging to one Davik Kang. You know, you stole the Ebon Hawk from him in Kotor. You also deliver the head of Darth Bandon to House Ulgo. Ahh typical no love for the second o....wait a minute. In Tatooine you have a Sith and a Jedi fighting over the Holocron of Darth Nihilus. At the end of chapter 2 you also find G0-T0 himself. Deactivated of course. But they surely left out the comicb.........and right next of it is the utility belt of Marn Hierogryph, everyone's favorite Snivvian. So yes, nobody got ignored.

This is a bit more subjective than the rest of the points, but I also think that smugglers have the best companions. We get a wookiee, a mando, and a mon calamari ex-jedi. Languss Tuno is the best NPC in the whole game. Period.

So yeah, go smuggler. It's fine if you don't agree with me. But I think bioware is also hinting something with all the subscription bonuses. A smuggler companion, a pair of blasters, a smuggler coat. Coincidence? I think not. Time to bring down the empire that curb stomped both playable factions as a mear muggle with two blasters. What could go wrong?

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