Wednesday, October 21, 2015

KotFE Day 1 - It is calling to you. Just log it in.

Hello readers.

So, yeah. Day one of early access was yesterday. I still don't get why I am here writing my experiences instead of playing, but I really love you all so I'm going to be nice.

When I logged in I was at first overwhelmed. That's generally a pretty good sign for an expansion. I spent on hour reworking my action bars and another mixing and matching weapon upgrades for my two favorite weapon skins. It was like Tuco Ramirez buying his new gun. Only, my smuggler had two.

After about two and a half hours of preparation I was ready to jump into the story and see if my suspicions were correct. Well I think they are. I won't spoil it but I honestly didn't see some of the twists comming. I'm at the very beginning of Chapter IV so most of what I played was already revealed in official streams. Still, I am itching for more. Thankfully HK knows where to start.

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