Hello and welcome back everyone. So what did I do yesterday?
Well, chapter 4-9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire. It was over surprisingly quickly. Frankly I would have liked to play a bit more. Okay, a lot more. Maybe I'm just very good at this, but hardly anyone died. Appart from the already known Darth Marr, I only lost one follower. He was my favorite. :( He will be missed.
Okay, I'm gonna say it: Bioware is back. The old Bioware, before the EA purchase. I loved the story. I was genuinely sad when my companion died and I can actually honestly say that I was surprised by some of the twists. I also liked how we sometimes cut to the villains and looked at what they are doing. I also laughed my ass off quite a lot of times. It gave me a very wide range of emotions that lately only Final Fantasy games gave me. Good job, Bioware. Really.
Of course I wasn't satisfied with everything. Too many central NPC's survived, it was too short, the fights were pitifully easy and I still mostly used the gear I got from shadow of revan. And I didn't change the look of any of the pieces. And it was too short. Also there is one villain (not gonna say names) that I battled twice already and he is still supposed to be a majore threat. You can only battle a bad guy a limited time before he looses his scariness and you start looking like a wuss for not killing him already. He also lacks any real motivation. I like his sister more.
But all of this criticism ammounts for nothing as KotFE gave us something that I am sure many of us have been waiting for since SWTOR launched. True end game.
This is something every MMO needs, but SWTOR didn't have much to offer in this regard. We have eleven operations in the game. Wrath of the Lich King alone gave WoW nine raids.
Untill now there wasn't much to do and even less incentive to do it. Now we have the Alliance system. People from former earlier flashpoints, storylines or short stories (Rise of the Hutt Cartel was relevant after all. Wohooo) return to give you quests. These quests give you new companions. Some are old ones you lost and others are from different classes (it is implied that all other class heroes are dead). But that's not all. The quests also gives you credits, companion gifts, influence with the quest giver and suppplies caches. These supply caches contain even more gear for you and adds to your "war assets' against Arcann. Since the story is pretty much done you cannot fight him with these assets yet, but handing in enough caches still rewards you with buffs for the new flashpoints also comming. Of course if I know correctly (didn't try yet) caches can also come from all the repeatable heroic missions you skipped while leveling 1-65 and said no flashpoints. There is a lot of stuff to do and you have reasons to do it. What more do you need?
Well a roll of duct tape is very nice cause the new mechanic girl can be really rude sometimes.
And Dathomir. Wookieepedia claims that D is in the game now, but I sure didn't see it. Since Nar Shaddaa is a moon I can honestly say that Dathomir is my favorite planet.
If it's not in the game after all I would be happy to write a storyline for it.
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