Monday, October 12, 2015

Diablo III at BlizzCon

Hello there everyone.
Let's get back to Diablo III for a bit shall we? The wonderful people at Diablo Fans got their hands on the BlizzCon schedule in the small window it was online. Apparently what they are planning for Diablo is rather vague and my prediction might not fit into the one hour that will be dedicated to whatever is happening.

But there is no reason to be alarmed. Maybe whatever comes will not be called an expansion but patch 2.4 it doesn't matter. Well it does matter cause Blizzard can't get money off a patch, but we get the content either way.

And we are going to get it. Something wicked this way comes. I quoth:

"Join the Diablo development team to learn about new zones, new sets and legendary powers, new monsters, new features and more."

Wait what? New zones? As in plural? New features? And more? Whatever and more is it's not a feature a zone a monster an item set or a legendary power. Hmmmmmmmm

I don't know about you guys, but this sounds like a massive ammount of new stuff.

Does it matter at all wether it is called an expansion or not?

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