Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 7- Gilgamesh

You know him, you love him and you kinda expect him to be in every Final Fantasy game. Gilgamesh. Or Gilgamesh Ashur for Type-0 players and Greg for XIV fans. Without doubt he is the protagonist of the Final Fantasy series. He debuted in Final Fantasy V, reappeared in VIII and the rest is history. He was put in the re-release of VI, he was there in IX and even Final Fantasy IV: The after Years. So VII is the odd one out from IV to IX as Gilgamesh is absent from the compilation. But that might change.

The devs know how much the fans adore Gilgamesh and his inclusion would be a change that would please everyone. It would be suicide to miss this chance. I even know where to put him in. Gilgamesh is based partially on the historical Gilgamesh and partially on Benkei, a warrior monk who once decided to camp a bridge on Kyoto fight anyone who wanted to cross and take their swords when they lost. Kinda familiar. Benkei's shenanigans continued untill he met his match at a hand of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who was taught by the tengu in the ancient arts of beating the everloving crap out of people with a fan.

If my memory serves me well the way to Wutai is through a nice long bridge. A rope bridge, but that might change. Imagine that at the end of the Wutai storyline Yuffie shows you arround her home, gives some neat background lore and does just about everything to make you forget that she robbed you all because her home is more important to her than a terrorist, a traitor and a deranged maniac (Barret, Cait Sith and Cloud). The tour would include the most famous landmarks. „And this is Kisaragi Castle where father lives, thsz is my house because we don't like each other so I got my own place. This is the Wutai gym where pokemon trainers can get the materia badge, this is the famous Big Bridge and over there is...wait, who is that guy?”

And that concludes the expository banther. Because it is time to fight like men. And ladies. And men who dress like ladies. And dogs who dress like men. Now I really want that line to appear. If not there will be a riot. I can make a pretty big riot all by my self.
Another good place would be in the Battle Square, like in XIII-2. Or on the Higway at the end of the motorcycle ride in place of that weird robot. Or all three places. Once alone and unmorphed, once morphed and once with Enkidu.

This also means a sweet new arrangement of Battle on the Big Bridge. Both Ishimoto and Soken did it once. Time to do it again.

And that's all for now. Only three more chapters to left. Next time we will look at the possibility of a multiplayer mode.

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