Thursday, October 29, 2015

Final Fantasy VII remake Chapter 8 – Multiplayer

Hello everyone. I'm back with another chapter of this hopefully popular series. To tell you the truth it never occured to me that Final Fantasy VII could have a multiplayer mode, but it popped up time and time again in other articles concerning the subject so I figured I will do this one for the community.

Let's ge the obvious out of the way. If there is a multiplayer mode it will be completely separate from the single player campaing. Like in Dirge of Cerberus where you play one of the bad guys in what is pretty much a prequel to the main story.

The same formula could work here as well. The Wutai war could be an excelent setting for a counter strike clone. Or the Turks fighting AVALANCHE and the Ravens (mutant soldiers created by the apprentice of Bugenhagen). With the Mako reactors we can even have bombsites. Now that I think about it, it could be loads of fun. And it would be a way to learn more about the backstory of the game. A win-win situation.

And that's about it. Sorry I don't have more thoughts on the matter but like I said, this is an option I didn't consider much because it never occured to me. Still I had to acknowledge that the wish for a multiplayer mode is quite popular.
The next one will be the last actual chapter before I put an end to this series.

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