Hello everyone. Terribly long title I know. Still I will try to make it up to you somehow.
Soo, Knights of the Fallen Empire. Next in the line of Star Wars: The Old Republic expansions. It will come with lots of gameplay tweaks, a new storyline and absolutely no new neat little feature.
I mean seriously. Why can't we have a working casino on Nar Shaddaa where we can play Sabbacc?
But enough of that. Let us focus on the story. You see, something isn't right. Or well lots of things aren't. Let's review what we know officially without data mining. Oh, SPOILER ALERT
Bioware hates spoiling the story. The Sith Emperor can't be in two places at the same time. Valkorion is a human with three children. Knights of the Fallen Empire will have its first 9 chapters released initially followed by an additional 17 chapters in an episodic format. You will be frozen in carbonite at the beginning of the story.
Nothing too crazy so far. However we saw and heared some stuff on official streams that hint that something is amiss. For example.
Valkorion is actually the Sith Emperor. He kills Darth Marr in the very first chapter. You only get frozen in carbonite at the end of chapter 2. In chapter 3 Valkorion is already dead.
Yeah, so what the hell is going on? Apparently Marr dying, the identity of Valkorion and him dying is not a spoiler. So what IS a spoiler? Short of the Knights of Ren appearing in Chapter 9, nothing should reasonably top this.
Speaking of the Knights of Ren. What knights is the title referring to? The Republic has knights but is not an empire. The Sith Empire is an empire but has no knights. The Eternal Empire is an empire and has the Zakuul knights, but they are the main antagonists of the expansion so they won't be fallen for a very long time.
And this whole Vitiate is Valkorion business makes absolutely zero sense. Assuming what we know of Vitiate is true. He is supposed to be a Sith Pureblood and not a human in white robes.
Oh wait. Oour first look at the emperor was exactly like that. He even had a similar haircut to Valkorion's sons. Look up the scene in Blood of the Empire where he gives Teneb Kel his mission. Looks a bit like Arcann without the face mask. Were the clues always there? Maybe.
But with all this self contradictory info comming our way I have a fealing that the first title we will unlock in Knights of the Fallen Empire will be 'Chump'.
Thanks for listening to my thinking out loud. Next time I will explain why I think the Smuggler is the best character to use as the Outlander.
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