Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Hello there everyone. Really glad you found my little corner of the internet. You might be wondering what the hell this place is and what it has to do with vampires?
Let's start at the end as that is the easier to answer. Not much. I just regard good stories as my sustenance. And I like vampires. And far eastern cultures as it will no doubt become apparent later.
The basic idea behind this blog was formed when the remake to Final Fantasy VII was announced at E3. I immediately knew that I wanted to discuss it publicly and share my hopefully unique perspective with others. It took this long because originally I planned to create a youtube channel and talk about these in videos. Problem is, I have a slight speech problem. I tend to take breaths at wrong places, like the middle of words. It's not present when I sing do anything that can be considered as a performance but I still consider my voice annoying, so I decided to spare you all the pain.
I am usually proud of my english but it's still not my native language so sorry in advance for any mistakes I make.
Oh, one last thing before I leave to watch the latest Gotham episode. What I present here is my oppinion. It is not the only truth out there and I completely understand and respect that some people disagree. As long as it is not based on false information. If you think the Smuggler is not the best class in swtor because you freakin love melee combat, fair enough. I won't argue against it because it is a completely valid reason to not like it. But I will sometimes take appart arguments that are simply bullshit. If that offends you, I am sorry. The good news is: you still don't have to accept my argument as I just said that it is an oppinion. But if you can't disagree in a civil manner you will be removed from my castle.
I will be back shortly.
Have a nice day till next we meet.

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