Good evening everyone.
The Battlefront Beta generated a lot of buzz since it began. It seems that is all everyone wants to talk about. So naturally I will join in and give you my two cents regarding the matter.
As an added bonus, I will be negative about it. Not many negative reviews at this point.
First, let us talk about what was good. It will be very brief unfortunately.
The game is beautiful. No denying that. The visuals are stunning and most of the lag is reserved for the game menu.
It also feals very star wars like. You have X-wing and TIE fighter wreckages on the ground, capital ships in the air and squads of rebels and imperials on the ground.
The first few hours are pure bliss. Problems begin when you get bored, and that comes pretty fast.
Out of the seven game modes we could try out two, both with one map each. All decent weapons are behind a rank lock and a money lock so new players will struggle for long before they can meraningfully contribute to the battles. And its not like there is a lot to unlock. You have maybe five different weapons. Also, alll forms of visual customization are absent from the beta.
Now for the really bad part: Hoth is very poorly balanced, if it can be called balance at all. The entire internet can only give one example of the rebels winning. Otherwise the empire wins all the time.
AT-AT walkers are, well walking, towards the shield generator. The objective is to kill them both before they reach the end of the invisible rail.
No problem. We just need a few snowspeeders and....hold on. Not yet. Okay, how about air support. Well about that. The Y-Wings can only lock onto two huge walkers if the rebels can keep two uplink stations under their control. Of course the snow troopers, the walkers and Darth Vader try to stop them. If the Y-Wings attack, all they do is make the walkers targetable with conventional weapons. You can only do the cable trick when this occurs.
So if you are playing as a rebel, you are pretty much dead. Well I guess it's authentic. After all the rebels lost the Battle of Hoth. Of course it was likely only fun for the Empire.
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