everyone and happy halloween. Sorry for running off without a world last time, but I
figured saying goodbye, giving a preview to me saying goodbye and me
saying goodbye in this epilogue would have been redundant. And maybe
a bit redundant.
thanks for sticking with me till the end. And if you did, you read
through a lot of text. Well done. As I mentioned now, this discussion
was the reason I started my blog, which almost became a youtube
channel. But I think this is better as I don't wake the others and
you won't have to listen to my irregular breathing.
had a lot of fun writing this, so even if I am wrong on all points
and the final remake is completely different, it was worth it.
fact I would rather be wrong. As fond as I am of all the ideas I
outlined here what I really want is being surprised and blown away by
this new, fresh Final Fantasy VII. I want something outrageous and
totally left field crazy straight out of Bravely Default.
tell you the truth I would much rather hate it and slowly grow to
appreciate it than love it at first and slowly realise that that they
made the wrong decisions.
And for the love of good please don't fuck up the PC port! Pretty please. Just this once, Square Enix. Just this once do it right.
thanks again for reading my novella sized essay on the changes I
anticipate and/or wish for the remake of Final Fantasy VII. I will be
sure to write a review when it comes out. Untill then check my other
articles if you want and have a nice day. And tomorrow. And every day
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